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Quotes about Interpretation

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47 art quotes about Interpretation found | Share this page of quotes about Interpretation on Facebook

Everybody has his own interpretation of a painting he sees... (Francis Bacon)

If you take your inspiration from nature, you don't invent anything, because what you want to do is to interpret something. But still, everything passes through your imagination. What you produce at the end is very different from the reality you started with. (Gyula Halasz, Brassai)

Being in control impacts our interpretations. (Harley Brown)

Less information often leads to more interpretation. (John Paul Caponigro)

Interpretation includes very real feelings for elements such as light, shadow, colour, wind, weather, value, contrast, composition and subject matter. (Ron Carwardine)

The art of interpretation is not to play what is written. (Pablo Casals)

Artistic creation is not mere decoration. The artist has to convey his inspiration to others while allowing them freedom of interpretation. (Liu Chun-Hau)

Today, we're encouraged to believe that we should have a verbal interpretation for what we view as art – when in fact the words are an intrusion on the experience. (Ken Danby)

Skies are so plastic because they are ephemeral and keep changing. They offer opportunities for dramatic re-interpretation. (David Dunlop)

An interpretive piece of art does not necessarily have to be attractive; it just has to be true as visualized by the artist. (Sterling Edwards)

The arts celebrate multiple perspectives. One of their large lessons is that there are many ways to see and interpret the world. (Elliot W. Eisner)

No story is the same to us after a lapse of time; or rather we who read it are no longer the same interpreters. (George Eliot)

The soul is so far from being a monad that we have not only to interpret other souls to ourself but to interpret ourself to ourself. (T. S. Eliot)

The material memories are not usually part of what is said about a picture, and that is a fault in interpretation because every painting captures a certain resistance of paint, a prodding gesture of the brush, a speed and insistence in the face of mindless matter... (James Elkins)

Everything is subject to personal interpretation and this provides us with thoughts that provoke creative stimulus, and thankfully we all see things differently. (Susan Flaig)

To what a degree the same past can leave different marks - and especially admit of different interpretations. (Andre Gide)

Fortunately art is a community effort – a small but select community living in a spiritualized world endeavoring to interpret the wars and the solitudes of the flesh. (Allen Ginsberg)

Not everything in life can be interpreted metaphorically; that's because things fall out on the way. (Edward Gorey)

That your own interpretation of a work of art is flagrantly subjective seems to be regarded as an arrogant attitude. But the truer view is that the interpretative artist can only make his own comment upon the work. (Sir William Tyrone Guthrie)

Don't ever over-analyze your results. Don't ever try to find your own secret or the one which you admire. One does not try to catch soap bubbles. One enjoys them in flight and is grateful for their fluid existence. (Ernst Haas)

Cameras record, artists interpret. (Andrew Hamilton)

Art, to me, is the interpretation of the impression which nature makes upon the eye and brain. (Childe Hassam)

Life is like art - it is all about interpretation. (Robert Holden)

I do not document anything, I give an interpretation. (Andre Kertesz)

Copy nature and you infringe on the work of our Lord. Interpret nature and you are an artist. (Jacques Lipchitz)

Our interpretation is more important than what we are looking at. Just because the painting looks like something does not mean that it is successful. (Tom Lynch)

The interpretation of our reality through patterns not our own, serves only to make us ever more unknown, ever less free, ever more solitary. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Reality is how we interpret it. Imagination and volition play a part in that interpretation. Which means that all reality is to some extent a fiction. (Yann Martel)

There are no facts, only interpretations. (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Everything is beautiful, all that matters is to be able to interpret. (Camille Pissarro)

Our interpretations of subjects are clouded by our intellects. (Carl Purcell)

We interpret the world through stories... everybody makes in their own way sense of things, but if you have stories it helps. (Paula Rego)

-Two Worlds, 1983...
It suits my own attitude toward the world and its people to believe that the Raven is this completely self-centered, uninvolved bringer of change, through inadvertence and accident, and so on... It's a version of the Raven myth for today, not for the time when it was created. (Bill Reid)

Subject matter does not determine a successful painting. It is the manner in which one personally envisions and interprets the subject that is the magical equation. (Robert Reynolds)

The more you know about the historical or ecological background of images, the more you can interpret, but it's not necessarily the truth about it. (Daniel Richter)

-conversation with Nicholas Serota, Spring 2011...
I prefer to steer clear of anything aesthetic, so as not to set obstacles in my own way and not to have the problem of people saying, 'Ah, yes, that's how he sees the world, that's his interpretation.' (Gerhard Richter)

We are the only beings on the planet who lead such rich internal lives that it's not the events that matter most to us, but rather, it's how we interpret those events that will determine how we think about ourselves and how we will act in the future. (Tony Robbins)

To abstract an original idea is to invent; to abstract reality or a realized experience is to interpret. (Ian Semple)

Is your work an interpretation of your understanding of reality, or is it simply a picture of your feelings? (Millard Sheets)

Interpretation in art is the revenge of the intellect. (Susan Sontag)

The person viewing your work has no idea what the scene really looked like, nor do they care... (Mike Svob)

I did not paint... to be understood. I wished to show what such a scene was like. (J. M. W. Turner)

-technique of evaluating...
State what you actually see in someone's work first: objects/space/color/directional flow - then content. Interpret. (Kay WalkingStick)

Restricting too personal, and therefore prejudiced, interpretation leads to revolution - the fusion of an inner and outer reality derived from the wholeness of life - sublimating things seen into things known. (Edward Weston)

Everyone in a complex system has a slightly different interpretation. The more interpretations we gather, the easier it becomes to gain a sense of the whole. (Margaret J. Wheatley)

We see, not change of aspect, but change of interpretation. (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

Representational painting has no need anymore to get it right. A snapshot records; a painter interprets and abstracts. (Bob Young)