Ian Semple quotes
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Ian Semple Quotes

Quotes by Ian Semple - (77 quotes)

Ian Semple - From the Abstraction category:

Abstraction is reality in disguise. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Accomplishment category:

For an artist, any accomplishment is merely a minor victory over failure, and no more than a small step up the steep and tortuous path towards excellence. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Achievement category:

More is to be gained from a line of intent failed than a circle of mediocrity achieved. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Affirmation category:

Creating art is an affirmation of the conscious nature of our existence. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Aging category:

True aging only happens when the desiccation of the mind exceeds that of the body. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Application category:

A painting's appealing detail may principally represent the successful application of suggestion. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Art category:

A society without art is already in the history books. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Art category:

Science is the art of seeking to understand nature; art is the science of manipulating the creative mind. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Artists category:

For an artist, the production of satisfying art can be like bearing a child; perhaps easily conceived but often painful in deliverance. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Beginning category:

A blank canvas is a universal foundation on which can be built a palace or an outhouse. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Children category:

No light shines brighter than the smile of a child. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Children category:

Children's laughter is the pealing of life's carillons. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Colour category:

The pigments on a palette represent a series of parts waiting to be unified. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Composition category:

A good composition is creativity cleansed of the irrelevant. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Confidence category:

Confidence comes with the ability to more readily acknowledge failure. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Contemporary Art category:

That contemporary art be considered as classic and enduring can only be judged by future generations. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Creativity category:

Stretching a canvas has physical limits. Stretching artistic creativity is only limited by one's imagination. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Culture category:

Would that different societies and cultures be as readily mixable as are pigments on a palette. As in painting, it would take only some basic learning and the right attitude. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Depression category:

The unanswered solicitation can be more depressing than the unwanted art. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Disappointment category:

Muddy Waters fathered 'The Blues' music. Muddy colours merely foster the blues. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Discovery category:

The adventure of discovery may be spoiled by anticipating the result. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Eccentricity category:

Eccentricity may be merely the warping of conventional thought, like wearing a tuxedo to breakfast. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Effort category:

Artistic effort without failure is life's path never traveled. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Ego category:

Knowing when to ease back on the extent of ego is the wisdom that defines the difference between that which drives professional achievement and the tiresome, endless noise of conceit and self-promotion. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Excellence category:

A miniature mastered is better than a mural massacred. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Expectation category:

Does the depth of depression match the height of expectation? (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Experience category:

Experience is principally the product of trial fuelled by error. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Experience category:

Experience may be the sum of survived misjudgments. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Exploration category:

A journey solely to discover may fail while one of pure exploration rarely fails to enlighten. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Failure category:

Artistic failure may be labours lost but is life lived. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Finishing category:

Signing a work of art represents an act of accountability. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Focus category:

Overworking a painting risks losing its focus and impact. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Freedom category:

True freedom is escaping the prison of the mind. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Goals category:

The establishment of priorities may facilitate the achievement of goals. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Growth category:

A sense of achievement provides the foundation upon which further growth in life and art may be built. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Harmony category:

Figures can be considered forms of landscapes; in the natural landscape, figurative forms abound. To recognize the analogy is to approach an understanding of harmony. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Hope category:

Hoping may, at its worse, be a synonym for moping. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Imagination category:

The largest and most vivid high definition screen in the world is one's imagination. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Immortality category:

Life is finite but when clothed with a probing intellect, high achievement and honourable intent, provides timeless inspiration to those who follow. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Inspiration category:

The light of inspiration is less often a flash of lightning than the sun finally peaking through days of dreary drizzle. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Interpretation category:

To abstract an original idea is to invent; to abstract reality or a realized experience is to interpret. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Intuition category:

Acting on intuition can sometimes produce inspired creativity. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Journey category:

Depending on the path you blaze, the trail you leave for others to follow may be either well trodden or abandoned. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Knowledge category:

Knowledge empty of wisdom is a candle never lit. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Knowledge category:

Learning is the process of adjusting to the errors of experience. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Limitations category:

Imagination, like infinity, has no boundaries. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Mentors category:

Should mentoring best pull to solutions or push to discoveries? (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Morality category:

The extremes of light and shadow represent the moral poles of mankind. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Mysteries category:

The mystery of a work of art may lie with the inability of the artist to verbalize its inspiration. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Nature category:

Mindful of the vision and artistry of the masters, no artist can ever hope to out-compose nature. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Nudes category:

The nude form is but Nature's mantle without the crust. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Observation category:

Seeing is the consequence of optics; observing is the consequence of imaginative contemplation. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Painting category:

A good sketch is better signed than is a bad painting. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Perseverance category:

Perseverance nourishes artistic growth. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Philosophy category:

Created from within a philosophy lived, no art is ever purely invented. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Practice category:

Practice being amazing and you'll become exactly that. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Reality category:

The abstraction of reality requires a clear understanding of that reality in order to successfully structure its abstraction. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Rejection category:

Artistic rejection is like taking cod liver oil; they say it's good for you, you know they're right, but it can be still tough to swallow. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Rhythm category:

Is it not instructive that music can have colour and art have rhythm? (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Risk category:

Dare to risk rather than fear to fail. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Routine category:

Be careful that routine does not become a habit-forming barrier to creativity. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Rules category:

Know that in breaking a rule, you are advancing a creative idea and not just being an arrogant idiot. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Satisfaction category:

Be not too quick to admire one's own achievements lest that signal standards too modest. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Signatures category:

A distinctive painting style requires no signature by the artist. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Simplicity category:

To successfully simplify the subject of a painting is to comprehend its essence. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Standards category:

Bad art may be not so much the product of an untutored brush as that of a lazy mind. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Style category:

What is style but the repeated rendering of a particular artistic emotion? (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Subject category:

The only difference between painting a portrait or a landscape is that the latter never complains. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Success category:

If failure represents a test for an artist's resolve, then no less testing may be artistic success. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Temperament category:

A temperate ego can be the engine of achievement; intemperately trumpeted, it becomes the tiresome static of vanity. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Theory category:

An ounce of reality is heavier than a ton of theory. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Tradition category:

Traditions are the practices of the past that have survived the major span of change that defines the present. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Universe category:

Art is also an expanding universe. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Unknowns category:

Science and art make good bedfellows. They both seek to explore the unknown. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Vanity category:

Vanity is arrogance with a mirror. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Vanity category:

Vanity is the pride of false accomplishment. (Ian Semple)

Ian Semple - From the Wisdom category:

A life lived empty of wisdom is a glass blown but unfilled. (Ian Semple)