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21 art quotes about Pattern found | Share this page of quotes about Pattern on Facebook

In short, no pattern is an isolated entity. Each pattern can exist in the world only to the extent that is supported by other patterns: the larger patterns in which it is embedded, the patterns of the same size that surround it, and the smaller patterns which are embedded in it. (Christopher Alexander)

Painting is the pattern of one's own nervous system being projected on canvas. (Francis Bacon)

We artists have been affected by patterns in nature since day one. Every line we lay to paper and every move we make is part of the magical sequence - and the line goes where it needs to go depending on one's influences. (Kristi Bridgeman)

To keep a pattern under layers of acrylic glazes, use Titanium White. It acts as a partial mask, but is never entirely obliterated, even under ten glazes. (Barbara Buer)

Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry. (Richard Feynman)

Patterns drawn in ultraviolet might make those ordinary little petals into the exotic peacocks of the botanical world, and yet we cannot appreciate them. (Victoria Finlay)

A pattern has an integrity independent of the medium by virtue of which you have received the information that it exists. (Buckminster Fuller)

I consider myself a farmer of patterns. (Alexander Gorlizki)

I was trying to write an autobiography using prints and patterns that reference emotional, psychological, and personal development in my work... I used fabrics to stand in for occurrences. (Jim Hodges)

Seeing abstract value patterns, not just the literal subject, is one of the first and most difficult things for a growing artist to learn. (Jane R. Hofstetter)

Subject matter is not nearly as important as the arrangement of the elements into a pattern. Thus, the abstraction that contains no recognizable object may be a satisfying work of art. (Ted Kautzky)

The patterns, movement, rhythms and unusual harmonies within the spontaneous brushstrokes are really what brings a painting to life. (Brent R. Laycock)

What seems mundane and trivial is the very stuff that discovery is made of. The only difference is our perspective, our readiness to put the pieces together in an entirely different way and to see patterns where only shadows appeared just a moment before. (Edward B. Lindaman)

A myth is a way of making sense in a senseless world. Myths are narrative patterns that give significance to our existence. (Rollo May)

A repeated shape is not actually the same – the more subtle, the more poetic this repeat is, the more we feel that resonant pulse. (Suzanne Northcott)

Naturally, patterns emerge through repetition, and repetition yields up a type of discovery that reveals everything about itself, especially its sorry limits. (Jan Peacock)

Art is pattern informed by sensibility. (Herbert Read)

I decide to paint a landscape and I am a Minimalist type of painter. But I avoid the manmade stuff which is the railway lines, the telephone poles, the grain elevators and cows... So essentially, it's stripped down human intervention to the basic, which is kind of just patterning the landscape. (Takao Tanabe)

We find beauty not in the thing itself but in the patterns of shadows, the light and the darkness, that one thing against another creates. (Junichiro Tanizaki)

Think pattern first, then drawing, then color. The character of your painting is resolved in the pattern scheme. (Edgar A. Whitney)

In the field of aesthetic theory, humans are pattern-seeking creatures. That can be seen in terms of musical structures, patternmaking, even in terms of storytelling and literature. (Kehinde Wiley)