timothy gallwey quotes
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timothy gallwey Quotes

Quotes by timothy gallwey - (13 quotes)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Anxiety category:

Anxiety is fear about what may happen in the future, and it occurs only when the mind is imagining what the future may bring. But when your attention is on the here and now, the actions which need to be done in the present have their best chance of being successfully accomplished, and as a result the future will become the best possible present. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Concentration category:

Concentration means keeping the mind now and here. Concentration is the supreme art because no art can be achieved without it, while with it anything can be achieved. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Discovery category:

The primary discovery of the Inner Game is that, especially in our culture of achievement-oriented activities, human beings significantly get in their own way. The point of the Inner Game of sports or music is always the same -- to reduce mental interferences that inhibit the full expression of human potential. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Experience category:

Forget shoulds and experience is. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Focus category:

The ability to focus the mind is the ability to not let it run away with you. It does not mean to not think - but to be the one who directs your own thinking. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Focus category:

Not assuming you already know is a powerful principle of focus. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Interest category:

Natural focus occurs when the mind is interested. When this occurs, the mind is drawn irresistibly toward the object (or subject) of interest. It is effortless and relaxed, not tense and overly controlled. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Mirrors category:

When the mind is free of any thought or judgment, it is still and acts like a mirror. Then and only then can we know things as they are. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Potential category:

The rose is a rose from the time it is a seed to the time it dies. Within it, at all times, it contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change; yet at each state, at each moment, it is perfectly all right as it is. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Spontaneity category:

Negative judgment of the results of one's efforts tends to make one try even harder; positive evaluation tends to make one try to force oneself into the same pattern on the next shot. Both positive and negative thinking inhibit spontaneity. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Struggle category:

It's difficult to have fun or to achieve concentration when your ego is engaged in what it thinks is a life-and-death struggle. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Universe category:

It is said that in breathing man recapitulates the rhythm of the universe. When the mind is fastened to the rhythm of breathing, it tends to become absorbed and calm... I know of no better way to begin to deal with anxiety than to place the mind on one's breathing process. (W. Timothy Gallwey)

W. Timothy Gallwey - From the Winning category:

The player of the inner game comes to value the art of relaxed concentration above all other skills; he discovers a true basis for self-confidence; and he learns that the secret to winning any game lies in not trying too hard. (W. Timothy Gallwey)