Ludwig van Beethoven quotes
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Ludwig van Beethoven Quotes

Quotes by Ludwig van Beethoven - (16 quotes)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Art category:

Art! Who comprehends her? With whom can one consult concerning this great goddess? (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Artists category:

Artists are fiery, they do not weep! (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Commerce category:

No one should drive a hard bargain with an artist. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Creativity category:

I change many things, discard others, and try again and again until I am satisfied. Then, in my head, I begin to elaborate the work in its breadth, its narrowness, its height, its depth... I hear and see the image in front of me from every angle, as if it had been cast, and only the labour of writing it down remains. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Desperation category:

...such incidents brought me to the verge of despair, but little more and I would have put an end to my life – only art it was that withheld me, – ah, it seemed impossible to leave the world until I had produced all that I had felt called upon to produce. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Ego category:

Prince, what you are, you are by accident of birth; what I am, I am of myself. There are and there will be thousands of princes. There is only one Beethoven. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Fire category:

Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears form the eyes of woman. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Happiness category:

-to 11-year-old Franz Liszt...
Off with you! You're a happy fellow, for you'll give happiness and joy to many other people. There is nothing better or greater than that! (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Limitations category:

The barriers are not erected which can say to aspiring talents and industry, 'Thus far and no farther.' (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Love category:

My thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved. I can only live wholly with you or not at all - Be calm my life, my all. Only by calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together. Oh continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved. Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Yours (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Mistakes category:

Nothing is more intolerable than to have to admit to yourself your own errors. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Morality category:

I don't want to know anything about your system of ethics. Strength is the morality of the man who stands out from the rest, and it is mine. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Music category:

Beethoven can write music, thank God, but he can do nothing else on earth. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Music category:

Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks, and invents. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Music category:

Music is mediator between spiritual and sensual life. (Ludwig van Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven - From the Revelation category:

Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy, the wine which inspires one to new generative processes. (Ludwig van Beethoven)