John Donne quotes
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John Donne Quotes

Quotes by John Donne - (26 quotes)

John Donne - From the Art category:

Art is the most passionate orgy within man's grasp. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Desperation category:

Despair is the damp of hell, as joy is the serenity of heaven. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Discovery category:

Licence my roving hands, and let them go / Before, behind, between, above, below. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Doubt category:

And new philosophy calls all in doubt, / The element of fire is quite put out, / The sun is lost, and th'earth, and no man's wit / Can well direct him where to look for it. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Dreams category:

So, if I dream I have you, I have you, / For all our joys are but fantastical. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Education category:

Teach me to hear the mermaids singing. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Faith category:

Reason is our soul's left hand, faith her right. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Freedom category:

Be thine own palace, or the world's thy jail. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Grace category:

No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Humanity category:

No man is an island / Entire of itself / Every man is a piece of the continent / A part of the main. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Humanity category:

If a clod be washed away by the sea, / Europe is the less. / As well as if a promontory were. / As well as if a manor of thy friend's / Or of thine own were. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Humanity category:

Any man's death diminishes me, / Because I am involved in mankind, / And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; / It tolls for thee. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Love category:

Only our love hath no decay; this, no tomorrow hath, nor yesterday, running it never runs from us away, but truly keeps his first, last, everlasting day. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Mysteries category:

Love's mysteries in souls do grow, / But yet the body is his book. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Nature category:

Nature's great masterpiece, an elephant - the only harmless great thing. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Philosophy category:

The new Philosophy calls all in doubt, / The Element of fire is quite put out; / The Sun is lost, and th' earth, and no man's wit / Can well direct him where to look for it. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Pleasure category:

Pleasure is none, if not diversified. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Poetry category:

I am two fools, I know, / For loving, and for saying so / In whining Poetry. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Poetry category:

Poetry is a counterfeit creation, and makes things that are not, as though they were. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Sadness category:

The day breaks not, it is my heart. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Seeing category:

Send home my long strayed eyes to me, / Which too long have dwelt on thee. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Silence category:

For God's sake hold your tongue and let me love. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Suffering category:

Affliction is a treasure, and scarce any man hath enough of it. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Survival category:

But I do nothing upon myself, and yet I am mine own executioner. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Time category:

Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time. (John Donne)

John Donne - From the Windows category:

Busy old fool, unruly Sun, / Why dost thou thus, / Through windows and through curtains call on us? (John Donne)