Cornelia Parker quotes
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Cornelia Parker Quotes

Quotes by Cornelia Parker - (9 quotes)

Cornelia Parker - From the Audience category:

You make an open-ended proposition and the audience completes it somehow. That's what you hope an artwork to be – a constantly living thing. (Cornelia Parker)

Cornelia Parker - From the Beauty category:

I don't want it all to be pretty – it's a combination of loss and gain. Things are born, live and hang in limbo. That's what life's about... (Cornelia Parker)

Cornelia Parker - From the Collaboration category:

- The Maybe...
I've done some collaborations which have ended up like Chinese whispers, but the most successful was with Tilda Swinton... Together we transcended our previous work and made something better together than we could have done apart. (Cornelia Parker)

Cornelia Parker - From the Commerce category:

When people asked to buy my work I always said no. I'd had this rather rarefied idea that I didn't want money going through my head while I was making work. But after the car crash I realized that none of my work was owned by anyone. After that, I grew up a bit. (Cornelia Parker)

Cornelia Parker - From the Eccentricity category:

There's something about being in the country that makes you stick out like a sore thumb – you're an anomaly. But in London there's always someone wilder and woollier. (Cornelia Parker)

Cornelia Parker - From the Freedom category:

There's such a freedom about being an artist... You're not accountable – you're this renegade thing. (Cornelia Parker)

Cornelia Parker - From the Health category:

If I'm not doing the work I want, I usually suffer a psychological allergic reaction and get ill. It niggles when things get out of my control. (Cornelia Parker)

Cornelia Parker - From the Production category:

There's only a certain amount of works you can make, so you have to make only the ones you really want to make. It's all about trying to be as productive as possible. (Cornelia Parker)

Cornelia Parker - From the Renewal category:

Once I started reinventing for myself what being an artist was – not going into a studio, but making things on my own terms in response to being out in the world – I started to really enjoy it... I realized that everything else for me was hell. (Cornelia Parker)