Marney Ward quotes
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Marney Ward Quotes

Quotes by Marney Ward - (14 quotes)

Marney Ward - From the Artists category:

Artists are blessed when they have a clear line of communication with their inner creative intelligence, the inner eye or voice which silently moves the brush in accordance with an unspoken and never fully comprehended vision. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Artists category:

All the arts enrich us and each art form we embrace helps to make us whole. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Artists category:

Artists are more able than most to perceive the world in all its wonder and glory, and more willing than most to give themselves over to the experience. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Composition category:

What good is a balanced composition if the painting doesn't sing with life's energy and spirit? (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Doubt category:

The analytical left brain not only breaks the painting into its components, it is also the doubter, the inhibitor and the one that doesn't want to ruin the painting. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Harmony category:

The artist has to feel the harmony first, it can't be faked; it breathes itself out through the pores of the fingers and the pores of the paint, only when it is so strong it can't be held in any longer. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Imagination category:

The artist, having cleansed his own doors of perception, has the role of leading us to see more clearly, through the eyes of the eternal imagination. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Masters category:

Mastery is primarily intuition. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Masters category:

To become masters, we need to be able to tap our inner creativity, and then combine the inspiration we receive from within with the technical skill that has come from years of experience. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Meditation category:

Nature and meditation have the ability to draw us to our deeper selves, where we finally realize that we are not boring, nor isolated, nor in need of external excitement to be happy, but a part of the great harmony of all living things. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Pets category:

A faithful dog is one of life's great blessings, bestowing boundless love and affection. They nourish the heart, not the mind, which is why the heart feels so devastated when they depart. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Poetry category:

Poetry is more like painting than prose, capturing the image or feeling in a moment of illumination, whereas prose is more linear and better suited to telling a story. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Spirituality category:

The measure of the artist is to have the eye to see the spirit underlying the particulars, and the skill to capture both in paint. (Marney Ward)

Marney Ward - From the Wonder category:

Artists and poets try to recapture and recreate the wonder that we all remember feeling as children. Maybe that's why we are called visionary. (Marney Ward)