Robert Rauschenberg quotes
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Robert Rauschenberg Quotes

Quotes by Robert Rauschenberg - (39 quotes)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Abstraction category:

You have to have time to be sorry for yourself to be a good Abstract Expressionist. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Abstraction category:

I had been working purely abstractly for so long, it was important for me to see whether I was working abstractly because I couldn't work any other way, or whether I was doing it out of choice. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Accidents category:

The only thing that I could get with chance, and I never was able to use it, was that I would end up with something quite geometric or the spirit that I was interested in, indulging in, was gone. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Adventure category:

You can't make either life or art, you have to work in the hole in between, which is undefined. That's what makes the adventure of painting. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Aging category:

There's a moment for everyone when you fall into your own shadow and the fact is that it's your shadow and you're forced to live in it. And this is nothing to celebrate or not celebrate. It simply is. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Artists category:

The artist's job is to be a witness to his time in history. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Attitude category:

There was a whole language that I could never make function for myself in relationship to painting, and that was attitudes like tortured, struggle, pain. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Colour category:

I wouldn't use the same color in a picture in more than one place. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Complaining category:

I don't think any one person, whether artist or not, has been given permission by anyone to put the responsibility of the way things are on anyone else. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Contentment category:

I don't think of myself as making art. I do what I do because I want to, because painting is the best way I've found to get along with myself. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Copying category:

Very quickly a painting is turned into a facsimile of itself when one becomes so familiar with with it that one recognizes it without looking at it. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Danger category:

My art is about paying attention – about the extremely dangerous possibility that you might be art. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Dealers category:

There were only five galleries in those days, and the artists really depended on each other socially, psychologically, and even critically. It's impossible now. Business sure screwed up the art world universally. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Design category:

...ideas of sort of relaxed symmetry have been something for years that I have been concerned with because I think that symmetry is a neutral shape as opposed to a form of design. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Discipline category:

It's so easy to be undisciplined. And to be disciplined is so against my character, my general nature anyway, that I have to strain a little bit to keep on the right track. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Earth category:

There is no reason not to consider the world as one gigantic painting. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Experience category:

I'm not so facile that I can accomplish or find out what I want to know, or explore enough of the possibilities and a way of making a painting, say, in just one painting or two paintings. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Fear category:

Even at this late date, I go into my studio, and I think 'Is this going to be it? Is it the end?' You see, nearly everything terrorizes me. When an artist loses that terror, he's through. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Humanity category:

I refuse to be in this world by myself. I want an open commitment from the rest of the people. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Ideas category:

Ideas aren't real estate, they grow collectively and that knocks out the egotistical loneliness that generally infects art. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Influence category:

I don't think there's anything really wrong with influence because I think that one can use another man's art as material either literally or just implying that they're doing that, without it representing a lack of a point of view. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Life category:

Painting relates to both art and life. Neither can be made. I try to act in the gap between the two. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Materials category:

A pair of socks is no less suitable to make a painting with than wood, nails, turpentine, oil and fabric. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Materials category:

A canvas is never empty. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Originality category:

Having to be different is the same trap as having to be the same. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Painting category:

I think that in the last twenty years or so, there's been a new kind of honesty in painting where painters have been very proud of paint and have let it behave openly. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Possibilities category:

You begin with the possibilities of the material. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Problems category:

If you don't have trouble paying the rent, you have trouble doing something else; one needs just a certain amount of trouble. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Reality category:

I think a painting is more like the real world if it's made out the real world. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Responsibility category:

I was much happier when I had less responsibility... when my only responsibility was to my work and to myself. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Risk category:

It's when you've found out how to do certain things that it's time to stop doing them, because what's missing is that you're not including the risk. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Searching category:

I always have searched for a point of view that a participant could change. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Seeing category:

One can see that a canvas is six feet by eight feet, say, quite accurately. But you can spend two minutes and think it's five, or thirty seconds and it's just a different bed for activities there. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Strength category:

Painting is always strongest when, in spite of composition, color, etc., it appears as a fact, or an inevitability, as opposed to a souvenir or arrangement. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Subject category:

I always have a good reason for taking something out, but I never have one for putting something in. And I don't want to, because that means that the picture is being painted predigested. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Talent category:

I've not been cursed with talent, which could be a great inhibitor. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Thought category:

I don't mess around with my subconscious. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Understanding category:

I'm sure we don't read old paintings the way they were intended. (Robert Rauschenberg)

Robert Rauschenberg - From the Unknowns category:

I put my trust in the materials that confront me, because they put me in touch with the unknown. It's then that I begin to work... when I don't have the comfort of sureness and certainty. (Robert Rauschenberg)