Rod Judkins quotes
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Rod Judkins Quotes

Quotes by Rod Judkins - (12 quotes)

Rod Judkins - From the Accidents category:

- Change Your Mind: 57 Ways to Unlock Your Creative Self...
The creative mind seeks chance and accident... (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Activity category:

- The Art of Creative Thinking...
Doing what matters is what matters. (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Creativity category:

Creativity isn't a switch that's flicked on or off; it's a way of seeing, engaging and responding to the world around you. (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Criticism category:

To be a successful person you often have to create a strong foundation with the bricks others throw at you. (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Expectation category:

You have no responsibility to live up to others' expectations, but you do have a responsibility to live up to your own expectations. (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Expression category:

To be true to an idea, you have to value expression over perfection, vitality over finish, movement over the static, and form over function. (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Growth category:

The task of modern man is not to find his inner self, but to create himself. (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Ideas category:

Those who have fresh, new ideas are always learning. (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Keys category:

Doubt is a key to unlocking new ideas. (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Knowledge category:

Self-knowledge will help you to understand what you have to offer that's special. (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Profession category:

To flourish in any field of activity, you need to gain a deep understanding of it. (Rod Judkins)

Rod Judkins - From the Questions category:

Certainty is a convenient and easy way out of our discomfort. It is the mind's equivalent of fast food - to satisfy our hunger for answers with minimal effort. (Rod Judkins)