Jackson Pollock quotes
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Jackson Pollock Quotes

Quotes by Jackson Pollock - (28 quotes)

Jackson Pollock - From the Abstraction category:

Abstract painting is abstract. It confronts you. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Abstraction category:

Abstract art should be enjoyed just as music is enjoyed – after a while you may like it or you may not. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Accidents category:

I don't use the accident. I deny the accident. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Accidents category:

There is no accident, just as there is no beginning and no end. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Ambition category:

As to what I would like to be, it is difficult to say. An artist of some kind. If nothing else I shall always study the Arts. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Artists category:

Every good artist paints what he is. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Change category:

I have no fears about making changes, destroying the image... because the painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through. It is only when I lose contact with the painting that the result is a mess. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Communication category:

It doesn't matter how the paint is put on, as long as something is said. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Criticism category:

There was a reviewer... who wrote that my pictures didn't have any beginning or any end. He didn't mean it as a compliment, but it was. It was a fine compliment. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Ego category:

Art is coming face to face with yourself. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Emotion category:

I want to express my feelings, not illustrate them. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Materials category:

Most of the paint I use is a liquid, flowing kind of paint, the brushes I use are used more as sticks rather than brushes – the brush doesn't touch the surface of the canvas, it's just above. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Methodology category:

I don't work from drawings. I don't make sketches and drawings and colour sketches into a final painting. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Modernism category:

The modern artist, it seems to me, is working and expressing an inner world in other words – expressing the energy, the motion and other inner forces. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Modernism category:

New needs need new techniques. And the modern artists have found new ways and new means of making their statements... the modern painter cannot express this age, the airplane, the atom bomb, the radio, in the old forms of the Renaissance or of any other past culture. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Nature category:

I don't paint nature. I am nature. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Painting category:

When I am in my painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Painting category:

The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Painting category:

Painting is a state of being. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Problems category:

Painting is no problem. The problem is what to do when you're not painting. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Questions category:

In response to the question, 'How do you know when you're finished?' Pollock replied, 'How do you know when you're finished making love?' (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Realism category:

-on studying under Thomas Hart Benton at Manhattan's Art Students League...
He drove his kind of realism at me so hard I bounced right into non-objective painting. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Studio category:

My painting does not come from the easel... On the floor I am more at ease. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Talent category:

I am doubtful of any talent, so whatever I choose to be, will be accomplished only by long study and work... (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Technique category:

You can't learn techniques and then try to become a painter. Techniques are a result. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Technique category:

Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Unknowns category:

When I'm painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing. It's only after a get acquainted period that I see what I've been about. (Jackson Pollock)

Jackson Pollock - From the Work category:

A man's life is his work; his work is his life. (Jackson Pollock)