Marina Abramovic quotes
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Marina Abramovic Quotes

Quotes by Marina Abramovic - (40 quotes)

Marina Abramovic - From the Art category:

What happened? Art happened. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Artists category:

The function of the artist in a disturbed society is to give awareness of the universe, to ask the right questions, and to elevate the mind. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Audience category:

So many artists say they're not aware of audience. For me is unbelievable. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Beauty category:

We make such terrible mistakes with visual choices about beauty. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Creativity category:

The world doesn't need an artist who shows reality as it is. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Difficulty category:

The hardest thing to do is something that is close to nothing. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Emotion category:

You know, art is very emotional business. But mostly it becomes not emotional, the fabric of commodity. It becomes business. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Experience category:

I believe that life is shorter; that is why we have to make experience longer. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Fame category:

Artists should never think of themselves as an idol. Fame is a side effect of one's work. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Freedom category:

There was something like a click in my mind -- I realized that being an artist meant having immense freedom to make work from anything, or nothing. If I wanted to create something from dust or rubbish, I could do it. It was an unbelievably liberating feeling, especially for someone coming from a home where there was almost no freedom. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Gender category:

Women want a man, they want a family, they want to have children, they want to be loved, and to be an artist. And they can't; it's impossible. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Happiness category:

Happiness comes from the full understanding of your own being. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Happiness category:

Happiness is such a good state, it doesn't need to be creative. You're not creative from happiness, you're just happy. You're creative when you're miserable and depressed. You find the key to transform things. Happiness does not need to transform. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Ideas category:

I am only interested in the ideas that become obsessive and make me feel uneasy. The ideas that I'm afraid of. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Importance category:

The process was more important than the result, just as the performance means more to me than the object. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Importance category:

The picture felt important to me because it made the viewer a participant in the artistic experience. It demanded that imagination take place. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Inspiration category:

All my inspiration comes from life. That's how it never stops, in a way. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Life category:

I don't know anything about the afterlife because I haven't been there yet. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Love category:

An artist should not fall in love with another artist. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Meaning category:

I am not a therapist. I am not a spiritual leader. These elements are in the art: it is therapeutic, spiritual, social and political - everything. It has many layers. But art has to have many layers. If it doesn't, then forget it. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Mirrors category:

You see, what is my purpose of performance artist is to stage certain difficulties and stage the fear the primordial fear of pain, of dying, all of which we have in our lives, and then stage them in front of audience and go through them and tell the audience, 'I'm your mirror; if I can do this in my life, you can do it in yours.' (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Music category:

If you do performance and music, it's not performance as music. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Obligation category:

I believe the artist has an obligation to society. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Patriotism category:

When people ask me where I am from I never say, 'Serbia.' I always say, 'I come from a country that no longer exists.' (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Performance category:

I believe so much in the power of performance I don't want to convince people. I want them to experience it and come away convinced on their own. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Performance category:

Theatre is fake: The knife is not real, the blood is not real, and the emotions are not real. Performance is just the opposite: the knife is real, the blood is real, and the emotions are real. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Profession category:

I didn't get paid for performances most of my life. If I did, I would be billionaire now, and I'm not. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Questions category:

I'm interested in asking, 'What does feminine energy mean?' I don't have answers - I just have questions and interesting examples. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Reality category:

We are actually living in a million parallel realities every single minute. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Sacrifice category:

Being an artist is not easy - I have always said that to the students I have taught over the years. It's a huge sacrifice. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Selling category:

The most revolutionary ideas are not sellable, but only mind-changing. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Standards category:

I really think there's no difference between an art piece made by a man and one made by a woman. Is it a good art piece or a bad art piece? Of course, if you're female, you're maybe dealing with different issues. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Studio category:

I hate studio. For me, studio is a trap to overproduce and repeat yourself. It is a habit that leads to art pollution. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Suffering category:

People have so much pain inside them that they're not even aware of. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Technology category:

Today, our attention is less than the television advertisement. We're looking at six or seven problems constantly. We're living in the disturbed societies of cities. I think modern technology is one of the worst things human beings have invented. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Technology category:

Because of technology, we don't develop telepathy. We don't use telepathy, but use, you know, the mobile phones. Why? (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Theory category:

I really don't like art where you need to know so much theory to understand. If the theory is removed, it doesn't do anything. That means that this work is an illustration of theory, and I don't believe in the power of the work itself. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Time category:

Time is an illusion. Time only exists when we think about the past and the future. Time doesn't exist in the present here and now. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Vision category:

I think 21st century should be art without objects. (Marina Abramovic)

Marina Abramovic - From the Words category:

When you have a nonverbal conversation with a total stranger, then he can't cover himself with words, he can't create a wall. (Marina Abramovic)