Pablo Picasso quotes
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Pablo Picasso Quotes

Quotes by Pablo Picasso - (173 quotes)

Pablo Picasso - From the Abstraction category:

There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterwards you can remove all traces of reality. There's no danger then, anyway, because the idea of the object will have left an indelible mark. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Accidents category:

Accidents, try to change them - it's impossible. The accidental reveals man. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Achievement category:

What one does is what counts and not what one had the intention of doing. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Activity category:

One must act in painting as in life, directly. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Aging category:

It takes a very long time to become young. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Ambition category:

My mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier you'll be a general; if you become a monk you'll end up as the Pope.' Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Amusement category:

-this quote is in dispute: apparently the interview with Italian author, Giovanni Papini, never really happened...
By amusing myself with all these games, all this nonsense, all these picture puzzles, I became famous... I am only a public entertainer who has understood his time. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Application category:

There are artists who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Architecture category:

The Parthenon is really only a farmyard over which someone put a roof; colonades and sculptures were added because there were people in Athens who happened to be working and wanted to express themselves. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Art category:

This idea of art for art's sake is a hoax. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Art category:

Enough of Art. It's Art that kills us. People no longer want to do painting: they make art. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Art category:

People want Art. And they are given it. But the less Art there is in painting the more painting there is. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Art category:

Art is a finger up the bourgeoisie ass. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Art category:

Art is the elimination of the unnecessary. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Artists category:

-this quote is in dispute: apparently the interview with Italian author, Giovanni Papini, never really happened...
Today, as you know, I am famous and very rich. But when I am alone with myself, I haven't the 'courage' to consider myself an artist, in the great and ancient sense of that word... I am only a public entertainer, who understands his age. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Artists category:

What do you think an artist is? An imbecile who has only his eyes if he is a painter, or his ears if he is a musician? ...On the contrary, he is at the same time a political being, constantly on the alert to the heart-rending, burning, or happy events in the world, molding himself in their likeness. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Artists category:

All things considered, there is only Matisse. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Audience category:

If I spit, they will take my spit and frame it as great art. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Authority category:

There ought to be an absolute dictatorship... a dictatorship of painters... a dictatorship of one painter... to suppress all those who have betrayed us... (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Beginning category:

One never knows what one is going to do. One starts a painting and then it becomes something quite else. It is remarkable how little the 'willing' of the artist intervenes. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Belief category:

A picture lives by its legend – not by anything else. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Business category:

The people who make art their business are mostly imposters. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Change category:

A picture is not thought out and settled beforehand. While it is being done it changes as one's thoughts change. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Chaos category:

When the individuality of the artist begins to express itself, what the artist gains in the way of liberty he loses in the way of order. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Children category:

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Choices category:

For my part, I can't do anything else but what I am doing. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Collectors category:

-this quote is in dispute: apparently the interview with Italian author, Giovanni Papini, never really happened...
The people no longer seek consolation in art. But the refined people, the rich, the idlers seek the new, the extraordinary, the extravagant, the scandalous. I have contented these people with all the many bizarre things that come into my head. And the less they understand, the more they admire it. By amusing myself with all these games, all this nonsense, all these picture puzzles, I became famous... I am only a public entertainer who has understood his time. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Colour category:

Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? No. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Colour category:

When I haven't any blue I use red. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Colour category:

I want to know one thing. What is color? (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Colour category:

They'll sell you thousands of greens. Veronese green and emerald green and cadmium green and any sort of green you like, but that particular green, never. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Communication category:

People who try to explain pictures are usually barking up the wrong tree. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Communication category:

For those who know how to read, I have painted my autobiography. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Composition category:

I put in my pictures everything I like. So much the worse for the things - they have to get along with one another. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Confession category:

-this quote is in dispute: apparently the interview with Italian author, Giovanni Papini, never really happened...
The 'refined', the 'rich', the 'professional do nothing', the 'distiller of quintessence' desire only the peculiar, and sensational, the eccentric, the scandalous in today's art. And I myself, since the advent of cubism, have fed these fellows what they wanted and satisfied these critics with all the ridiculous ideas that have passed through my head. The less they understood, the more they have admired me! ...Today, as you know, I am celebrated, I am rich. But when I am alone, I do not have the effrontery to consider myself an artist at all, not in the grand meaning of the word... I am only a public clown, a mountebank. I have understood my time and exploited the imbecility, the vanity, the greed of my contemporaries. It is a bitter confession, this confession of mine, more painful than it may seem. But, at least, and at last, it does have the merit of being honest. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Construction category:

Every act of construction is an act of destruction. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Copying category:

Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Creativity category:

Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Creativity category:

The chief enemy of creativity is 'good' sense. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Criticism category:

It is a well-known fact that we see the faults in other's works more readily than we do in our own. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Cubism category:

When we discovered Cubism, we did not have the aim of discovering Cubism. We only wanted to express what was in us. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Cubism category:

The goal I proposed myself in making cubism? To paint and nothing more... with a method linked only to my thought... Neither the good nor the true; neither the useful nor the useless. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Danger category:

Today we haven't the heart to expel the painters and poets from society because we refuse to admit to ourselves that there is any danger in keeping them in our midst. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Danger category:

A good picture, any picture, has to be bristling with razor blades. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Deception category:

Academic training in beauty is a sham. We have been so deceived, but so well deceived that we can scarcely get back even a shadow of the truth. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Deception category:

Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies. If he only shows in his work that he has searched, and researched, for the way to put over lies, he would never accomplish anything. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Desire category:

Braque always said that the only thing that counts, in painting, is the intention, and it's true. What counts is what one wants to do, and not what one does. That's what's important. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Difficulty category:

Unless your work gives you trouble, it is no good. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Discovery category:

When you begin a picture, you often make some pretty discoveries. You must be on guard against these. Destroy the thing, do it over several times. In each destroying of a beautiful discovery the artist does not really suppress it, but rather transforms it, condenses it, makes it more substantial. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Discovery category:

You mustn't expect me to repeat myself. My past doesn't interest me. I would rather copy others than copy myself. In that way I should at least be giving them something new. I love discovering things. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Drawing category:

Drawing is a kind of hypnotism: one looks in such a way at the model, that he comes and takes a seat on the paper. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Drawing category:

To draw, you must close your eyes and sing. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Drawing category:

I draw like other people bite their nails. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Education category:

The trouble is, we've been taught what to see and how to render what we see. If only we could be in the position of those men who did those wonderful drawings in Lascaux and Altimira! (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Education category:

I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Effort category:

People don't realize what they have when they own a picture by me. Each picture is a phial with my blood. That is what has gone into it. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Ego category:

I never calculate. That is why those who do, calculate so much less accurately than I. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Emotion category:

What I want is that my picture should evoke nothing but emotion. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Emotion category:

The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a passing shape, from a spider's web. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Experiments category:

I have never made radically different experiments. Whenever I wanted to say something, I said it the way I believed I should. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Expression category:

Despite any will I may have in the matter, what I express interests me more than my ideas. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Fame category:

And fame, for a painter means sales, gains, fortune, riches. And today, as you know, I am celebrated. I am rich. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Finishing category:

Woe to you the day it is said that you are finished! To finish a work? To finish a picture? What nonsense! To finish it means to be through with it, to kill it, to rid it of its soul – to give it its final blow; the most unfortunate one for the painter as well as for the picture. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Fire category:

When you come right down to it, all you have is yourself. Yourself is a sun with a thousand fires in your belly. The rest is nothing. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Form category:

The secret of many of my deformations – which many people do not understand – is that there is an interaction, an intereffect between the lines in a painting: one line attracts the other and at the point of maximum attraction the lines curve in toward the attracting point and form is altered. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Form category:

From the point of view of art, there are no concrete or abstract forms, but only forms which are more or less convincing lies. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Future category:

To me there is no past or future in art. If a work of art does not live in the present, it must not be considered at all. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Goodness category:

There's no such thing as a bad Picasso, but some are less good than others. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Greatness category:

Titian, Rembrandt and Goya were the great painters. I am only a public clown. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Habit category:

I paint the way someone bites his fingernails; for me, painting is a bad habit because I don't know nor can I do anything else. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Humanity category:

Artists who live and work with spiritual values cannot and should not remain indifferent to a conflict in which the highest values of humanity and civilization are at stake. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Idealism category:

What I find horrible nowadays is that people are always trying to find a personality for themselves. Nobody bothers about what you might call a painter's ideal... the kind that's always existed... No. They couldn't care less about that. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Ideas category:

You have to have an idea of what you are going to do, but it should be a vague idea. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Ideas category:

I begin with an idea and then it becomes something else. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Imagination category:

-on Marc Chagall...
He must have an angel in his head. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Imagination category:

Everything you can imagine is real. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Imitation category:

Why should I copy this owl, this sea urchin? Why should I try to imitate nature? I might just as well try to trace a perfect circle. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Imitation category:

What does it mean for a painter to... actually imitate someone else? What's wrong with that? On the contrary, it's a good idea. You should constantly try to paint like someone else. But the thing is, you can't! (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Importance category:

Let them understand above all that the artist works from necessity; that he, too, is a minute element of the world to whom one should ascribe no more importance than so many things in nature which charm us but which we do not explain to ourselves. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Individuality category:

When you come right down to it, all you have is yourself. Yourself is a sun with a thousand rays in your belly. The rest is nothing. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Inspiration category:

Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Instinct category:

Art is not the application of a canon of beauty but what the instinct and the brain can conceive beyond any canon. When we love a woman we don't start measuring her limbs. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Interest category:

Imitators? All right! Disciples if you like. But disciples be damned. It's not interesting. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Interest category:

The only pictorial matter that is of interest to me is the matter and sentiments brought about by the work itself. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Keys category:

Action is the foundational key to success. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Language category:

As far as I am concerned, a painting speaks for itself. What is the use of giving explanations, when all is said and done? A painter has only one language. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Life category:

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Light category:

You see these thick curtains shut out the daylight: artificial light suits me a great deal better; it's absolutely steady, and much more exciting. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Limitations category:

For a long time I limited myself to one color – as a form of discipline. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Limitations category:

If you have five elements available use only four. If you have four elements use three. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Magic category:

Painting isn't an aesthetic operation; it's a form of magic designed as a mediator between this strange, hostile world and us, a way of seizing the power by giving form to our terrors as well as our desires. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Masters category:

-to Matisse...
I've mastered drawing and am looking for color; you've mastered color and are looking for drawing. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Masters category:

It's only the masters that matter. Those who create. And they don't even turn around when you piss on their heels... (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Meaning category:

If I paint a hammer and sickle people may think it is a representation of Communism, but for me it is only a hammer and sickle. I just want to reproduce the objects for what they are, not for what they mean. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Miracles category:

Everything is miraculous. It is a miracle that one does not melt in one's bath. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Models category:

An artist must be very careful not to look for models. As soon as one artist takes another as model, he is lost. There is no other point of departure than reality. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Money category:

I'd like to live like a poor man with lots of money. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Morality category:

Art is never chaste. We forbid it to the ignorant innocents, never allow a contact with those not sufficiently prepared. Yes art is dangerous, and if it is chaste it isn't art. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Motivation category:

Motivation is in the world around us. We have an infinite amount of material at our disposal, in the lives of those we meet, in what we see and feel, in what we discuss and from the passion of every woman. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Museums category:

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Order category:

What the artist gains in the way of liberty he loses in the way of order. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Originality category:

What I have to do is utilize as best I can the ideas which objects suggest to me, connect, fuse, and color in my way the shadows they cast within me, illumine them from the inside. And since of necessity my vision is quite different from that of the next man, my painting will interpret things in an entirely different manner even though it makes use of the same elements. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Originality category:

A young artist must forget painting when he paints. That's the only way he will do original work. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Painting category:

Painting is stronger than I am. It can make me do whatever it wants. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Painting category:

It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Painting category:

Painting is just another way of keeping a diary. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Passion category:

Paradise is to love many things with a passion. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Perfection category:

It's always necessary to seek for perfection. Obviously, for us, this word no longer has the same meaning. To me, it means: from one canvas to the next, always go further, further... (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Photography category:

When you see what you express through photography, you realize all the things that can no longer be the objectives of painting. Why should an artist persist in treating subjects that can be established so clearly with the lens of a camera? (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Plagiarism category:

Good artists borrow. Great artists steal. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Politics category:

I am a communist and my painting is a communist painting. But if I were a shoemaker, Royalist or Communist or anything else, I would not necessarily hammer my shoes in any special way to show my politics. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Politics category:

If everyone would paint, political re-education would be unnecessary. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Portraiture category:

When one starts from a portrait and seeks by successive eliminations to find pure form... one inevitably ends up with an egg. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Possibilities category:

Critics, mathematicians, scientists and busybodies want to classify everything, marking the boundaries and limits... In art, there is room for all possibilities. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Power category:

Painting isn't a question of sensibility; it's a matter of seizing the power, taking over from nature, not expecting her to supply you with information and good advice. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Preparation category:

I don't know in advance what I am going to put on canvas any more than I decide beforehand what colours I am going to use. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Problems category:

I must keep on trying, just to keep the experiment going until I get tired of it all. Even if the last result is not necessarily the best, I stop when my interest in the problem wanes. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Procrastination category:

Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Profession category:

Painting is a blind man's profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Progress category:

Heretofore pictures moved towards completion by progression. Each day brought something new. A picture was a sum of additions. With me a picture is a sum of destructions. I make a picture and proceed to destroy it. But in the end nothing is lost; the red I have removed from one part shows up in another. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Purpose category:

I go for a walk in the forest of Fontainebleau. I get 'green' indigestion. I must get rid of this sensation into a picture. Green rules it. A painter paints to unload himself of feelings and visions. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Questions category:

Are we to paint what's on the face, what's inside the face, or what's behind it? (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Questions category:

You can go to the moon or walk under the sea, or anything else you like, but painting remains painting because it eludes such investigation. It remains there like a question. And it alone gives the answer. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Quotations category:

If you take my sayings and explode them in the air, they remain only sayings. But if you fit them together in their correct places, you will have the whole story. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Realism category:

You have to start somewhere. You can always erase reality later on. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Reality category:

Reality is to be found in lightness and darkness. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Religion category:

God is really another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant, and the cat. He has no real style. He just goes on trying other things. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Research category:

Paintings are but research and experiment. I never do a painting as a work of art. All of them are researches. I search constantly and there is a logical sequence in all this research. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Rules category:

To blossom forth, a work of art must ignore or rather forget all the rules. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Satisfaction category:

The painter goes through states of fullness and evaluation. That is the whole secret of art. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Searching category:

I do not seek. I find. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Searching category:

If you're trying to find something, it means you haven't got it. And if you find it simply by looking for it, that means it's false. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Searching category:

I have never had time for the idea of searching. Whenever I wanted to express something, I did so without thinking of the past or the future. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Seeing category:

I see for others... in order to put on canvas the sudden apparitions which come to me. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Seeing category:

If only we could pull out our brain and use only our eyes. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Sight category:

They ought to put out the eyes of painters as they do goldfinches in order that they can sing better. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Sight category:

- in answer to why he had a Renoir hung crooked in his apartment...
It's better like that. If you want to kill a picture, all you have to do to hang it beautifully on a nail and soon you will see nothing of it but the frame. When it's out of place, you see it better. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Silence category:

I don't say everything, but I paint everything. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Solitude category:

Because I cannot work except in solitude, it is necessary that I live my work and that is impossible except in solitude. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Space category:

Each time I undertake to paint a picture I have a sensation of leaping into space. I never know whether I shall fall on my feet. It is only later that I begin to estimate more exactly the effect of my work. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Standards category:

I like all painting. I always look at the paintings – good or bad – in barbershops, furniture stores, provincial hotels... I'm like a drinker who needs wine. As long as it is wine, it doesn't matter which wine. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Strength category:

No doubt, it is useful for an artist to know all the forms of art which have preceded or which accompany his. That is a sign of strength if it is a question of looking for a stimulus or recognizing mistakes he must avoid. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Strength category:

If you can handle three elements, handle only two. If you can handle ten, then handle only five. In that way the ones you do handle, you handle with more ease, more mastery, and you create a feeling of strength in reserve. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Strength category:

No, painting is not made to decorate apartments, it's an offensive and defensive weapon against the enemy. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Struggle category:

My whole life has been nothing more than a continuous struggle against Reaction and the death of art. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Style category:

The different styles I have been using in my art must not be seen as an evolution, or as steps towards an unknown ideal of painting. Everything I have ever made was made for the present and with the hope that it would always remain in the present. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Subject category:

I don't say everything, but I paint everything. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Subject category:

Often one does a painting really for a corner of the canvas that no one looks at... One does a whole painting for one peach and people think... that the particular peach is but a detail. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Subject category:

Even if the painting is green, well then! The 'subject' is the green. There is always a subject; it's a joke to suppress the subject, it's impossible. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Subject category:

If I paint a wild horse, you might not see the horse, but you will surely see the wildness. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Taste category:

Ah, good taste! What a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of creativeness. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Taste category:

It is good taste, and good taste alone, that possesses the power to sterilize and is always the first handicap to any creative functioning. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Technology category:

What good are computers? They can only give you answers. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Theme category:

Different themes inevitably require different methods of expression. This does not imply either evolution or progress; it is a matter of following the idea one wants to express and the way in which one wants to express it. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Thinking category:

I paint things as I think of them, not as I see them. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Thought category:

The picture is not thought out and determined beforehand, rather while it's being made it follows the mobility of thought. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Travel category:

If all the ways I have been along were marked on a map and joined up with a line, it might represent a minotaur. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Truth category:

Art is a lie that helps us to realize the truth. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Truth category:

We now know that Art is not the truth... but rather a way of approaching the truth. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Truth category:

We all know that art is not truth. Art is the lie that makes us realize truth – at least the truth that is given us to understand. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Tyranny category:

You can't escape your own period. Whether you take sides for or against, you're always in it. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Understanding category:

What a trade! Poor painters! They always wish to be understood, and they are analysed instead. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Understanding category:

Everyone wants to understand painting. Why not try to understand the songs of the birds? (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Understanding category:

I have contented these people with all the many bizarre things that have come into my head. And the less they understand, the more they admire it. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Understanding category:

The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do? (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Unknowns category:

I consider a work of art as a product of calculations, calculations that are frequently unknown to the author himself. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Unknowns category:

What I achieve the first day can be perfectly valid, but it is not satisfying. If I can go that far spontaneously, then I must shed that result as an old skin and inquire further into the unknown, or at least the not-yet-known-to-myself. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Unknowns category:

While I am working I am not conscious of what I am putting on the canvas. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Words category:

Something holy, that's it. It's a word something like that we should be able to use, but people would take it in the wrong way. You ought to be able to say that a painting is as it is, with its capacity to move us, because it is as though it were touched by God. But people would think it a sham. And yet that is what's nearest to the truth. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Work category:

Work is a necessity for man. Man invented the alarm clock. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Work category:

It is your work in life that is the ultimate seduction. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Work category:

- sign seen over the table on which he kept his materials when Peter Shulman visited, early 1960s...
Tandis que d'autres parlent Je travaille - While others talk, I work. (Pablo Picasso)

Pablo Picasso - From the Writing category:

Often while reading a book one feels that the author would have preferred to paint rather than write; one can sense the pleasure he derives from describing a landscape or a person, as if he were painting what he is saying, because deep in his heart he would have preferred to use brushes and colors. (Pablo Picasso)