Lena Dunham quotes
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Lena Dunham Quotes

Quotes by Lena Dunham - (32 quotes)

Lena Dunham - From the Ambition category:

But ambition is a funny thing: it creeps in when you least expect it and keeps you moving, even when you think you want to stay put. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Anxiety category:

I felt highly anxious in a way that I didn't think other children were. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Anxiety category:

- Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She's 'Learned'...
I didn't know why this was happening. The cruel reality of anxiety is that you never quite do. At the moments it should logically strike, I am fit as a fiddle. On a lazy afternoon, I am seized by a cold dread. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Artists category:

My parents are artists; in their world, in the world of modern artists, you are supposed to just go into your studio and tune everything out, and your entire relationship with your work is supposed to be a super private one. That was the way to do it and you weren't deeply truly artistic if that wasn't the way you were engaging the press. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Books category:

Let's be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Books category:

Let this book take you to the stars and beyond. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Change category:

- Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She's 'Learned'...
I can never be who I was. I can simply watch her with sympathy, understanding, and some measure of awe. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Contentment category:

After all, desire is the enemy of contentment. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Courage category:

It's interesting how we often can't see the ways in which we are being strong - like, you can't be aware of what you're doing that's tough and brave at the time that you're doing it because if you knew that it was brave, then you'd be scared. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Creativity category:

things I've learned from my mother: Luxury is nice, but creativity is nicer. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Criticism category:

You know, I always think of myself as sort of ready for every criticism. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Desire category:

But I want to tell my stories, more than that, I have to in order to stay sane. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Drunkenness category:

Drunk emotions aren't real emotions. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Ego category:

Every time I start feeling sexy, I trip. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Fame category:

It's funny, I never considered that people are going to see me on the show and maybe stop me on the subway. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Finishing category:

- Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She's 'Learned'...
The end never comes when you think it will. It's always ten steps past the worst moment, then a weird turn to the left. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Gender category:

- Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She's 'Learned'...
As hard as we have worked and as far as we have come, there are still so many forces conspiring to tell women that our concerns are petty, our opinions aren't needed, that we lack the gravitas necessary for our stories to matter. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Health category:

The most terrifying aspect of human health is our refusal to take steps to help ourselves and the fact that we are so often responsible for our own demise through lack of positive action. It makes me want to take a nap. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Journey category:

I always reminded myself that this wasn't exactly where I was meant to be, but pit stops are okay on the road of life, aren't they? (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Life category:

Enjoy going through life as yourself. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Profession category:

I quit acting when I was 11 because I was cast as a bouncing ball in 'Alice in Wonderland,' and I felt slighted and wounded. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Profession category:

I'm always afraid that I'm being unprofessional, yet I continue to sign all my e-mails 'xoxo.' (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Renewal category:

- Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What She's 'Learned'...
And I decided then that I will never be jealous. I will never be vengeful. I won't be threatened by the old, or by the new. I'll open wide like a daisy every morning. I will make my work. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Routine category:

I would go to work from 9 to 6, go home, nap for two hours, then write from 8 to 2 a.m. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Sleep category:

Throughout the day I often ask myself, Could I fall asleep right now? and the answer is always a resounding yes. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Success category:

It's very easy for me to say what success is. I think success is connecting with an audience who understands you and having a dialogue with them. I think success is continuing to push yourself forward creatively and not sort of becoming a caricature of yourself. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Technology category:

I seriously consider television to be the people's medium. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Travel category:

Wherever you go, there you are. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Vanity category:

The joke I always make about myself is that I'm self-involved, but I'm not vain. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Work category:

I'm glad if my work can make a difference. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Writing category:

I think if you feel like you were born to write, then you probably were. (Lena Dunham)

Lena Dunham - From the Writing category:

If you're writing, you're starting in private. It can really be this amazing, private, freeing experience. Forget that it's for other people - that comes in later. (Lena Dunham)