Ramana Maharshi quotes
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Ramana Maharshi Quotes

Quotes by Ramana Maharshi - (30 quotes)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Ambition category:

Aim high, aim at the highest, and all lower aims are thereby achieved. It is looking below on the stormy sea of differences that makes you sink. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Destiny category:

Whatever is destined to not happen will not happen, try as you may. Whatever is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it. This is certain. The best course, therefore, is to remain silent. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Difficulty category:

All that is required to realize the Self is to be still. What can be easier than that? (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Doubt category:

See who is the doubter, who is the thinker. It is the ego. Hold it; the other thoughts will die away - the ego will be left pure. See the source from where the ego arises and abide in it. That is pure consciousness. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Earth category:

Then all this earth shines like one house. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Ego category:

Consciousness is indeed always with us. Everyone knows 'I am!' No one can deny his own being. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Emotion category:

The macrocosm is in its entirety in the body. The body is in its entirety in the heart. Therefore heart is the summarised form of all the macrocosm. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Freedom category:

The very fact that we wish for liberation shows that freedom from all bondage is our real nature. It is not to be freshly acquired. All that is necessary is to get rid of the false notion that we are bound. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Future category:

Why should you trouble yourself about the future? You do not even properly know about the present. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Generosity category:

All that one gives to others one gives to one's self. If this truth is understood, who will not give to others? (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Happiness category:

Happiness is your nature. It is not wrong to desire it. What is wrong is seeking it outside when it is inside. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Humanity category:

Let knowledge be guessed by the sign of equality to all beings. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Humility category:

To the extent we behave with humility, to that extent good will result. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Illusion category:

Generally people want to know about illusion and do not examine to whom it is. It is foolish. Illusion is outside and unknown. But the seeker is considered to be known and is inside. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Knowledge category:

For those who have obtained unobstructed knowledge of Self, the world is seen merely as a bondage causing imagination. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Limitations category:

Mind is consciousness which has put on limitations. You are originally unlimited and perfect. Later you take on limitations and become the mind. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Meditation category:

There are no impediments to meditation. The very thought of such obstacles is the greatest impediment. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Perception category:

This perception of division between the seer and the object that is seen, is situated in the mind. For those remaining in the heart, the seer becomes one with the sight. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Perseverance category:

No one succeeds without effort... Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Power category:

Speech is always less powerful than silence. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Quality category:

All bad qualities centre around the ego. When the ego is gone, realisation results by itself. There are neither good nor bad qualities in the Self. The Self is free from all qualities. Qualities pertain to the mind only. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Questions category:

What message is needed when heart speaks to heart? (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Reality category:

There is no greater mystery than this: being Reality ourselves, we seek to gain Reality. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Responsibility category:

Your duty is to be, and not to be this or that. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Revelation category:

Realisation is not acquisition of anything new, nor is it a new faculty. It is only removal of all camouflage. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Silence category:

True Silence is really endless speech. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Space category:

We dig a well and create a huge pit. The space in the pit or well has not been created by us. We have just removed the earth which was filling the space there. The space was there then and is also there now. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Thought category:

When there are thoughts, it is distraction; when there are no thoughts, it is meditation. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Time category:

Time is only an idea. There is only the Reality. Whatever you think it is, it looks like that. (Ramana Maharshi)

Ramana Maharshi - From the Worry category:

Why should we... constantly worry ourselves... as to what should be done and how, and what should not be done and how not? We know that the train carries all loads, so after getting on it why should we carry our small luggage on our head to our discomfort, instead of putting it down in the train and feeling at ease? (Ramana Maharshi)