Guillermo del Toro quotes
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Guillermo del Toro Quotes

Quotes by Guillermo del Toro - (20 quotes)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Aging category:

As a kid, I dreamed of having a house with secret passages and a room where it rained 24 hours a day. The point of being over 40 is to fulfill the desires you've been harboring since you were 7. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Books category:

What we read and why we do so defines us in a profound way. You are what you read, I suppose. Browsing through someone's library is like peeking into their DNA. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Children category:

Making a film is like raising a child. You cannot raise a child to be liked by everyone. You raise a child to excel, and you teach the child to be true to his own nature. There will be people who'll dislike your child because he or she is who they are, and there will be people who'll love your child immensely for the very same reason. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Consideration category:

- The Night Eternal...
You think if you work hard enough, you can fix the precious things you've broken - rather than being careful with them in the first place. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Eccentricity category:

Even if one understands that what one is doing is mad, it is indeed still madness. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Effort category:

It is unnatural to deny effort, adversity, and pain. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Fantasy category:

I want to tell you, everyone who is dreaming of a parable of using genre fantasy to tell the things that are real in the world today, you can do this. This is a door. Kick it open and come in. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Fantasy category:

There is art and beauty and power in the primal images of fantasy. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Fear category:

The underground of the city is like what's underground in people. Beneath the surface, it's boiling with monsters. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Finishing category:

The way you end your story is important. It's important that we choose love over fear, because love is the answer. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Genius category:

Genius is the true mystery, and at its edge - the abyss. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Humanity category:

I believe in man. I believe in mankind, as the worst and the best that has happened to this world. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Interest category:

I'm not that interested in recreating reality. I'm interested in recreating an emotional truth. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Journey category:

The saddest journey in the world is the one that follows a precise itinerary. Then you're not a traveler. You're a... tourist. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Love category:

I think love is the greatest force in the universe. It's shapeless like water. It only takes the shape of things it becomes. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Perfection category:

There is beauty and humility in imperfection. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Power category:

Power revealed is power sacrificed. The truly powerful exert their influence in ways unseen, unfelt. Some would say that a thing visible is a thing vulnerable. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Purpose category:

To me, art and storytelling serve primal, spiritual functions in my daily life. Whether I'm telling a bedtime story to my kids or trying to mount a movie or write a short story or a novel, I take it very seriously. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Religion category:

When I was a child, I was raised Catholic. Somewhere, I didn't fit with the saints and holy men. I discovered the monsters - in Boris Karloff, I saw a beautiful, innocent creature in a state of grace, sacrificed by sins he did not commit. (Guillermo del Toro)

Guillermo del Toro - From the Rules category:

You only find yourself when you disobey. Disobedience is the beginning of responsibility, I think. (Guillermo del Toro)