James Rosenquist quotes
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James Rosenquist Quotes

Quotes by James Rosenquist - (20 quotes)

James Rosenquist - From the Aging category:

I hate getting old, but I'm sticking with it! (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Art category:

If you are close to it, a big painting is just a feeling around you, that's all. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Art category:

I still don't know what art is. People think it's decoration. I don't think so. It could be decorative, but it's not decoration. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Artists category:

I think being an artist is having the courage to be original. Many great artists, including Picasso, have all been influenced by the great master paintings... And then finally, they leap, they take off... they become themselves. Then it looks like they just came out of nowhere. Just like 'Pow!' (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Beginning category:

When things become peculiar, frustrating and strange, I think it's a good time to start painting. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Collage category:

Popular culture isn't a freeze-frame; it is images zapping by in rapid-fire succession, which is why collage is such an effective way of representing contemporary life. The blur between images creates a kind of motion in the mind. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Importance category:

I think of my actions every day: what seems to be important and what isn't. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Influence category:

I'm the one who gave steroids to Pop art. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Interest category:

I'm interested in contemporary vision... the flicker of chrome, reflections, rapid associations, quick flashes of light. Bing-bang! I don't do anecdotes. I accumulate experiences. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Meaning category:

It all has meaning to me. As I explain my paintings, I hope that they get away from me, that the idea takes off and has a life of its own. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Memory category:

Paintings are memories. Memories of the painter who painted them. Memories that can be shared as well. Paintings are things to remember things by. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Methodology category:

It fascinates me to create beautiful paintings with the simplest means. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Optimism category:

We may seem insignificantly small, but we exist. So I remain optimistic. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Painting category:

I tell young people that the greatest paintings in museums are made with minerals mixed in oil schmeared on cloth with the hair from the back of a pig's ear. It's that simple. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Plein-Air category:

I learned a lot of painting tricks painting outside. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Satisfaction category:

I stick the collages on the wall and, if I still like them after a month or two, I make a painting. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Studio category:

Whenever I got a new studio I made the largest possible painting, and since the ceiling was low, the painting became horizontal. As I changed studios and got larger spaces, I made bigger paintings. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Subject category:

In many ways my paintings are about energy - both in how they are created and the image itself. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Technique category:

People say I use my billboard technique to make art. Baloney! I used my art technique to paint billboards. (James Rosenquist)

James Rosenquist - From the Time category:

As a person gets older, time gets more interesting. As a kid, you waste so much of it. (James Rosenquist)