Lorna Dockstader quotes
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Lorna Dockstader Quotes

Quotes by Lorna Dockstader - (20 quotes)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Anxiety category:

It could be that calmness has resulted from practicing calmness... (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Blocks category:

I don't understand why artists procrastinate the way they do and say they're 'blocked.' Why wouldn't they want to do what they love best? (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Brother/Sisterhood category:

There is a wonderful kinship of spirit among those who paint outdoors. While alone, a person can feel very insignificant or very important, but one thing I always feel is one with God and nature. It brings immense joy. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Colour category:

I often collect small twiggs, leaves or rocks and have learned a lot about seeing color by doing this. The twigs vary in color from olive green to gold to burgundy and I've only ever seen a few brown ones. Even the needles on a spruce tree have a wonderful range of colours and colour is what inspires me to do a painting. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Competition category:

Remember, your definition of success doesn't need to be compared to someone else. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Creativity category:

Going for a walk is a great way to stimulate creativity. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Dealers category:

The gallery sites work the best for me - I paint and they collect the money and ship the artwork. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Exhibitions category:

This year is the first time before an opening that anxiety hasn't caused sleeplessness, irritability and restlessness. Instead there has been an inner sense of calm that is almost as frightening. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Listening category:

Listening to instructors, gallery owners, clients, and other artists and remembering what they have said, is a skill we all need. And if you are fully present you will retain all sorts of beneficial information. As we evolve both a personal and spiritual level, our work evolves as well. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Masters category:

As a Canadian living in the west, I feel very strongly connected to the spirit of the mountains that has been captured by Lawren Harris. The energy in his paintings continues to live on. While viewing some of them... I was flooded by such a strong surge of spirituality that it moved me to tears. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Plein-Air category:

Sketching at an altitude of 6500 feet with the road blocked by snow to my right and an indigo sky of the approaching storm to my left was an exhilarating experience. A guide had driven us there in his old four-wheel drive vehicle and his knowledge of the mountains and the weather patterns prevented us from getting soaked by the downpour that the artists in the valley were experiencing. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Questions category:

How did she do that? What are the steps she used? are questions I'm often asked and choose not to answer. After all, that's what makes my work unique. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Research category:

After many hours of colour theory, colour wheels, mixing, and value studies, I began to realize that maybe it was best just to let it all go, and paint. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Rhythm category:

Rhythm is a design element that isn't used frequently as more people are impressed by colours, value contrasts, lost and found edges, etc. Harris's abstracts still retain the rhythm of his landscapes even though the subject has been removed... (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Risk category:

There are risks, but far less than the risks of doing nothing and whining about it afterwards. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Technology category:

I will often test one of my pieces in Photoshop by turning off the colour and looking at its values. If it's not working as it is, I push the contrasts, print it out and repaint it. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Thinking category:

Do you think we receive what we think about the most? (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Values category:

Known by most of us as value sketches, most of us are too lazy to do them, yet we know they can strengthen our work. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Values category:

Values created need not be those that were present at the time. They are imposed upon an image and can all be the result of personal choices. (Lorna Dockstader)

Lorna Dockstader - From the Workshops category:

The best advice I was given by an instructor was to stop taking workshops, and I did. There comes a time when you know you should. (Lorna Dockstader)