Michael Michalko quotes
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Michael Michalko Quotes

Quotes by Michael Michalko - (38 quotes)

Michael Michalko - From the Activity category:

All art is a reaction to the first line drawn. Unless the artist sits in front of the canvas and paints, there can be no art... unless one acts, nothing is created or discovered. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Belief category:

Once we have a belief, we tend to look to confirm that belief by what we observe. Psychologists call this phenomenon 'confirmation bias.' (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Blocks category:

I use a simple technique to get started when I have writer's block. I simply sit down and write, 'O, lend me to some peaceful gloom,' over and over until my own thoughts and words come, which come, surprisingly, soon. Then I just keep going. Works like a charm. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Books category:

Creative thinkers read to feed their minds new information and ideas. As Gore Vidal put it, 'The brain that doesn't feed itself eats itself.' (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Change category:

Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Change category:

If you change one element - your language - your thoughts and feelings will be changed as well. The cumulative impact will be new patterns of output and behavior. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Collaboration category:

Collaboration over time creates a different understanding of a subject. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Colour category:

At one time, Heinz tried making strangely colored ketchup, including purple, but gave up on it because consumers didn't believe it was ketchup. Would you eat a blue steak? (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Creativity category:

- Cracking Creativity...
Much of creative genius hinges on the willingness to creatively observe the seemingly irrelevant and find the latent potential. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Creativity category:

Creativity, it could be said, consists largely of rearranging what we know in order to find out what we do not know. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Destiny category:

You can choose to be an object in your life and let others tell you who you are and what you are capable of being. Or you can choose to be the subject in your life and determine your own destiny by transforming yourself into a creative thinker. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Education category:

In school we were not taught how to think; we were taught to reproduce what past thinkers thought. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Experience category:

It is not your experiences that determine who you are. It is your interpretation of your experiences that determines who you are. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Genius category:

- Cracking Creativity...
Creative geniuses tend to return to the conceptual world of childhood and are able to wed the most advanced understandings of a field with the sensibilities of a wonder-filled child. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Growth category:

When you go through the motions of being creative, you are energizing your brain by increasing the number of contacts between neurons. The more times you act, the more active your brain becomes and the more creative you become. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Growth category:

Your mind is like vegetation. It flourishes in one soil or climate and droops in another. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Habit category:

Make it a habit to keep the written record of your creativity attempts in a notebook, on file cards or in your computer. A record not only guarantees that the thoughts and ideas will last, since they are committed to paper or computer files, but will inspire you into other thoughts and ideas. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Ideas category:

-Cracking Creativity...
Every new subject or idea produces a host of creative by-products, initially seen as irrelevant, but available for fashioning in novel new directions. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Ideas category:

Leonardo da Vinci's technique for getting ideas was to close his eyes, relax totally, and cover a sheet of paper with random lines and scribbles. He would then open his eyes and look for images and patterns, objects, faces, or events in the scribble. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Imagination category:

We need ways to unstructure our imaginations to explore the outer limits and dazzling variety of our concepts, so that we can go beyond the typical and concoct wonderfully unusual ideas. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Impossibilities category:

Imagination gives us the impertinence to imagine making the impossible possible. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Invention category:

All invention and discovery is permeated by the idea of thinking the unthinkable. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Language category:

What you say affects how you feel. How you feel affects how you think, and vice versa. All language, feelings, and thoughts interact with each other, and the entire accumulation of those influences creates your output and behavior. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Light category:

Imagining yourself as a solar cell encourages you to think of ways to capture and pass sunlight instead of wasting it. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Observation category:

Paying attention to the world around you will help you develop the extraordinary capacity to look at mundane things and see the miraculous. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Opportunity category:

The more possible futures you foresee, the more options you can create; the more options you have, the greater your chances of finding the unexpected opportunity. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Opposites category:

The principle to remember is that all dualities and opposites are not disjoined but polar. They do not confront each other from afar; they originate in a common center. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Optimism category:

Nothing is more harmful to a positive creative attitude than fears, uncertainties, and doubts... (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Perception category:

Perception is demonstrably an active rather than a passive process; it constructs rather than records 'reality.' (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Perception category:

Perception implies understanding as well as awareness. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Possibilities category:

Habits, thinking patterns, and routines with which we approach life gradually accumulate until they significantly reduce our awareness of other possibilities. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Problems category:

Work on two or more unrelated problems in parallel. When you run into a brick wall with one problem, move to the next. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Reality category:

We build our own reality. Even colors are products of our mind. Vincent van Gogh told his brother he could see twenty-seven different shades of gray. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Struggle category:

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in order to become truly alive. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Thinking category:

-The Power of Metaphors...
Over-familiarization with something... is a trap. Where creative thinking is concerned... the more adept you are at something, the less likely you are to look at it in a different way; the greater your skill of a particular discipline, the less you will be tempted to experiment with different approaches. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Thinking category:

Creative thinking is inclusive thinking. You consider the least obvious as well as the most likely approaches, and you look for different ways to look at the problem. It is the willingness to explore all approaches that is important, even after one has found a promising one. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Thought category:

Thought is fluid. (Michael Michalko)

Michael Michalko - From the Travel category:

Don't be a Duke of Habit. Feed your head... Be a travel junkie. Capture your thoughts. (Michael Michalko)