Nicholas Simmons quotes
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Nicholas Simmons Quotes

Quotes by Nicholas Simmons - (10 quotes)

Nicholas Simmons - From the Colour category:

-interview, Art of Watercolor, Dec, 2011...
I have no system regarding palettes, arrangement, number of colors, etc. I know very little about pigments or even color theory--everything I do is quite intuitive. (Nicholas Simmons)

Nicholas Simmons - From the Ideas category:

-interview, Art of Watercolor, Dec, 2011...
The ideas are either from imagination or manipulation of photographic references, often both. (Nicholas Simmons)

Nicholas Simmons - From the Improvisation category:

-interview, Art of Watercolor, Dec, 2011...
My 'comfort zone' is not really having a clear idea of where I'm going, just as a musician who improvises can't tell you what he'll play in the next chorus. Hopefully some of that danger and excitement comes through in the finished work. (Nicholas Simmons)

Nicholas Simmons - From the Mistakes category:

-interview, Art of Watercolor, Dec, 2011...
"Mistakes" are not always bad things per se, only things that were not part of my original vision. This brings up a very critical moment in the process: letting go of a preconceived idea in favor of something that might be just as good, or even better. (Nicholas Simmons)

Nicholas Simmons - From the Painting category:

-interview, Art of Watercolor, Dec, 2011...
The paint is a much better artist than I am, and almost always does something more interesting than anything I could invent. (Nicholas Simmons)

Nicholas Simmons - From the Planning category:

-interview, Art of Watercolor, Dec, 2011...
I rarely make sketches and never make value studies. I see it all in my head, and know things will change during the course of the painting, anyway. (Nicholas Simmons)

Nicholas Simmons - From the Satisfaction category:

-interview, Art of Watercolor, Dec, 2011...
Some paintings burst out of the starting gate but lose my interest over time; others take a while for me to appreciate. I feel best about the ones that require faith in my own instincts while meandering through the labyrinth of uncertainty, poised on the precipice of disaster. (Nicholas Simmons)

Nicholas Simmons - From the Spontaneity category:

-interview, Art of Watercolor, Dec, 2011...
It's easy to be spontaneous in watercolor on a small scale, more difficult to be so on a large scale. In any case, I make an effort to at least create the illusion of spontaneity. (Nicholas Simmons)

Nicholas Simmons - From the Watercolours category:

-interview, Art of Watercolor, Dec, 2011...
Properly done, an acrylic watercolor is indistinguishable from a straight watercolor. Why use it? Permanence; straight watercolor can move when rewet, acrylic watercolor does not, which is useful in a variety of situations. (Nicholas Simmons)

Nicholas Simmons - From the Work category:

-interview, Art of Watercolor, Dec, 2011...
Some of them happen in one go, others get to a point that requires fresh eyes and decisions. They get put away in the "curing shed" while I think about them, or alternatively, forget about them. (Nicholas Simmons)