Sir James Francis Stephens quotes
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Sir James Francis Stephens Quotes

Quotes by Sir James Francis Stephens - (3 quotes)

Sir James Francis Stephens - From the Critics category:

-on A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens...
It would perhaps be hard to imagine a clumsier or more disjointed framework for the display of the tawdry wares which form Mr. Dickens's stock-in-trade. The broken-back way in which the story maunders along from 1775 to 1792 and back again to 1760 or thereabouts, is an excellent instance of the complete disregard of the rules of literary composition which have marked the whole of Mr. Dickens's career as an author. No portion of his popularity is due to intellectual excellence... (Sir James Francis Stephens)

Sir James Francis Stephens - From the Discovery category:

Every man has in himself a continent of undiscovered character. Happy is he who acts as the Columbus to his own soul. (Sir James Francis Stephens)

Sir James Francis Stephens - From the Mirrors category:

-from Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers, 1895...
In his soul, as in a mirror, were concentrated all the lights radiating from every point of observation - whether human or Divine - and from his soul as from a mirror, these lights were reflected back in every possible combination of beauty and sublimity. (Sir James Francis Stephens)