Diogenes quotes
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Diogenes Quotes

Quotes by Diogenes - (20 quotes)

Diogenes - From the Audience category:

- b.412 BC d.323 BC...
Discourse on virtue and they pass by in droves. Whistle and dance and you've got an audience. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Contentment category:

He has the most who is most content with the least. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Desire category:

- b.412 BC d.323 BC...
I have nothing to ask but that you would remove to the other side, that you may not, by intercepting the sunshine, take from me what you cannot give. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Drunkenness category:

The vine bears three kinds of grapes: the first of pleasure, the second of intoxication, the third of disgust. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Earth category:

-when asked where he came from...
I am a citizen of the world. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Eccentricity category:

- b.412 BC d.323 BC...
It is not that I am mad; it is only that my head is different from yours. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Ego category:

- b.412 BC d.323 BC...
Boasting, like gilded armour, is very different inside from outside. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Fame category:

-on being asked how he could become famous...
By worrying as little as possible about fame. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Friendship category:

A friend is one soul abiding in two bodies. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Goodness category:

If you are to be kept right, you must possess either good friends or red-hot enemies. The one will warn you, the other will expose you. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Knowledge category:

I know nothing, except the fact of my ignorance. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Light category:

The sun, too, shines into cesspools and is not polluted. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Listening category:

We have two ears and one tongue so that we would listen more and talk less. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Morality category:

- b.412 BC d.323 BC...
Those who have virtue always in their mouths, and neglect it in practice, are like a harp, which emits a sound pleasing to others, while itself is insensible of the music. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Morality category:

One ought to seek out virtue for its own sake, without being influenced by fear or hope, or by any external influence. Moreover, in that does happiness consist. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Questions category:

-when Alexander the Great addressed him with greetings, and asked if he wanted anything...
Yes, stand a little out of my sunshine. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Religion category:

-b.412 BC d.323 BC...
I do not know whether there are gods, but there ought to be. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Rewards category:

Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Tyranny category:

The mob is the mother of tyrants. (Diogenes)

Diogenes - From the Wisdom category:

It takes a wise man to discover a wise man. (Diogenes)