Lucy Maud Montgomery quotes
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Lucy Maud Montgomery Quotes

Quotes by Lucy Maud Montgomery - (40 quotes)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Advice category:

- Anne of Green Gables...
It's good advice, but I expect it will be hard to follow. Good Advice is apt to be, I think. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Aging category:

Nobody is ever too old to dream. And dreams never grow old. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Ambition category:

- Anne of the Island...
The little things of life, sweet and excellent in their place, must not be the things lived for; the highest must be sought and followed; the life of heaven must be begun here on earth. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Anticipation category:

I can't help flying up on the wings of anticipation. It's as glorious as soaring through a sunset... almost pays for the thud. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Artists category:

The world calls them its singers and poets and artists and storytellers; but they are just people who have never forgotten the way to fairyland. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Belief category:

Well, it all comes to this; there's no use trying to live in other people's opinions. The only thing to do is to live in your own. After all, I believe in myself. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Books category:

- Anne of Windy Poplars...
I hate to lend a book I love... it never seems quite the same when it comes back to me. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Brother/Sisterhood category:

Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Colour category:

- Anne of the Island...
Besides, I've been feeling a little blue - just a pale, elusive azure. It isn't serious enough for anything darker. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Depression category:

I know that in everybody's life must come days of depression and discouragement when all things in life seem to lose savour. The sunniest day has its clouds; but one must not forget the sun is there all the time. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Desire category:

Desire grows by what it feeds on. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Destiny category:

- Rainbow Valley...
It is never quite safe to think we have done with life. When we imagine we have finished our story, fate has a trick of turning the page and showing us yet another chapter. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Dreams category:

You may tire of reality but you never tire of dreams. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Drunkenness category:

I am simply a 'book drunkard.' Books have the same irresistible temptation for me that liquor has for its devotee. I cannot withstand them. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Eccentricity category:

All pioneers are considered to be afflicted with moonstruck madness. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Emotion category:

I suppose all this sounds very crazy - all these terrible emotions always do sound foolish when we put them into our inadequate words. They are not meant to be spoken - only felt and endured. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Fantasy category:

- Anne of Avonlea...
Fancies are like shadows... you can't cage them, they are such wayward dancing things. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Fear category:

Being frightened of things is worse than the things themselves. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Friendship category:

- Anne's House of Dreams...
Thank goodness, we can choose our friends. We have to take our relatives as they are, and be thankful... (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Future category:

We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Generosity category:

It's not what the world holds for you. It's what you bring to it. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Greatness category:

All things great are wound up with all things little. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Humour category:

Humor is the spiciest condiment in the feast of existence. Laugh at your mistakes but learn from them, joke over your troubles but gather strength from them, make a jest of your difficulties but overcome them. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Idealism category:

We must have ideals and try to live up to them, even if we never quite succeed. Life would be a sorry business without them. With them it's grand and great. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Ideas category:

-Anne's House of Dreams...
I have a little brown cocoon of an idea that may possibly expand into a magnificent moth of fulfillment... (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Influence category:

-Anne of Green Gables...
We ought always to try to influence others for good. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Interest category:

It's such an interesting world. It wouldn't be half so interesting if we knew all about everything, would it? (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Joy category:

It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Loneliness category:

There might be some hours of loneliness. But there was something wonderful even in loneliness. At least you belonged to yourself when you were lonely. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Mistakes category:

Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet? (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Nature category:

-Anne's House of Dreams...
I couldn't live where there were no trees - something vital in me would starve. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Passion category:

When one great passion seizes possession of the soul, all other feelings are crowded out. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Poetry category:

-Anne of Green Gables...
Don't you just love poetry that gives you a crinkly feeling up and down your back? (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Prayer category:

If I really wanted to pray I'll tell you what I'd do. I'd go out into a great big field alone or into the deep, deep woods, and I'd look up into the sky - up - up - up - into that lovely blue sky that looks like there's no end to its blueness. And then I'd just feel a prayer. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Silence category:

-Anne of Windy Poplars...
Have you ever noticed how many silences there are... The silence of the woods... of the shore... of the meadows... of the night... of the summer afternoon. All different because the undertones that thread them are different. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Suffering category:

Those who can soar to the highest heights can also plunge to the deepest depths and the natures which enjoy most keenly are those which also suffer most sharply. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Uniqueness category:

-Anne of Windy Poplars...
It was really dreadful to be so different from other people... and yet rather wonderful, too, as if you were a being strayed from another star. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Vanity category:

-The Story Girl...
It's not vanity to know your own good points. It would just be stupidity if you didn't; It's only vanity when you get puffed up about them. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Wonder category:

-Anne of Avonlea...
You're never safe from being surprised till you're dead. (Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery - From the Words category:

And people make fun of me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas, you have to use big words to express them, haven't you? (Lucy Maud Montgomery)