Michael Chesley Johnson quotes
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Michael Chesley Johnson Quotes

Quotes by Michael Chesley Johnson - (10 quotes)

Michael Chesley Johnson - From the Clubs category:

To be sure, the life of an artist can be enhanced with the sociality of a club. Who wouldn't want cookies and see a member giving a demo? I prefer a club with a different twist, one in which we all paint together on location. (Michael Chesley Johnson)

Michael Chesley Johnson - From the Colour category:

A prettier grey can be made by mixing a color with its near-complement... This is because the grey is closer in character to the color being greyed. (Michael Chesley Johnson)

Michael Chesley Johnson - From the Disappointment category:

I give my paintings a week on my 'viewing mantle.' Sometimes they need a touch; sometimes they need nothing. It's a good way to avoid remorse. (Michael Chesley Johnson)

Michael Chesley Johnson - From the Exhibitions category:

When I put together a show, I go through my oeuvre and pull out pieces that share a common subject, medium, size and style. This puts before the public a subset of my work that can be interpreted as the work of a professional. (Michael Chesley Johnson)

Michael Chesley Johnson - From the Light category:

It can be difficult to 'read' the light to see if it is warm or cool. However, my solution is to 'read' the shadow instead. Once I've made a determination, I assume the light is the opposite, and I paint it as such. (Michael Chesley Johnson)

Michael Chesley Johnson - From the Photography category:

Creating a painting from a photograph is like staging a theatrical set and then trying to live in it. (Michael Chesley Johnson)

Michael Chesley Johnson - From the Plein-Air category:

You're out in the field and the most perfect scene imaginable as been handed to you. In the excitement of this marvelous opportunity, you launch in with inspired sprezzatura. Surely, every brush stroke will be masterful... then the shadows move and the weather shifts, the tide comes in... but who'd have thought someone would cut the shrubbery? (Michael Chesley Johnson)

Michael Chesley Johnson - From the Teaching category:

Teaching is an essential form of payback. Most artists, including myself, owe a lot to our teachers and mentors. It's only fair to take our knowledge and 'pay it forward.' (Michael Chesley Johnson)

Michael Chesley Johnson - From the Words category:

-on self-publishing...
Get yourself a good copy-editor. Nothing says 'amateur' more than poor spelling and grammar. (Michael Chesley Johnson)

Michael Chesley Johnson - From the Workshops category:

Many painters are good at what they do but have a hard time explaining it. (Michael Chesley Johnson)