Alexey Brodovitch - From the Boredom category:
This disease of our age is boredom... The way to combat this is by invention - by surprise. When I say a good picture has surprise value, I mean that it stimulates my thinking and intrigues me. (Alexey Brodovitch)
Alexey Brodovitch - From the Expression category:
A good picture must be a completely individual expression which intrigues the viewer and forces him to think. (Alexey Brodovitch)
Alexey Brodovitch - From the Fashion category:
What is good today may be a cliche tomorrow. (Alexey Brodovitch)
Alexey Brodovitch - From the Imitation category:
Imitation is the greatest danger of the young [artist]. (Alexey Brodovitch)
Alexey Brodovitch - From the Integrity category:
If [an artist] is to maintain his integrity, he must be responsible to himself; he must seek a public which will accept his vision, rather than pervert his vision to fit that public. (Alexey Brodovitch)
Alexey Brodovitch - From the Photography category:
If you see something you have seen before, don't click the shutter. (Alexey Brodovitch)
Alexey Brodovitch - From the Photography category:
The picture represents the feelings and point of view of the intelligence behind the camera. (Alexey Brodovitch)
Alexey Brodovitch - From the Quality category:
The best way to achieve surprise quality is by avoiding cliches. (Alexey Brodovitch)