Leo Babauta quotes
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Leo Babauta Quotes

Quotes by Leo Babauta - (15 quotes)

Leo Babauta - From the Artists category:

Creators of any kind must find their voice... the tone, style, tenor, pitch, personality we use to express ourselves. Our voice is our essence, writ plain for the world to see. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Beginning category:

When we start out with something, we usually will try everything. But as we learn, we can pare down ideas that we find out don't matter. We're left with the essentials. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Confidence category:

If you think you could never do something... stop saying it. You just might surprise yourself. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Editing category:

After you write, edit, and remove the noise. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Experiments category:

Rip off the greats, and the goods as well. Mimick and make it your own. Try and err. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Fear category:

Sometimes being naked with fear is a good experience. It teaches us a lot about ourselves and about life. It is scary but it awakens us. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Importance category:

Cut back to a few important tasks and your work will be transformed. Do only a few things in life and those things will breathe and take on an importance they never had before. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Limitations category:

Limits... accomplish something important: they force us to figure out what's important. And if we don't want to figure out what's important, they force us to figure out why. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Possessions category:

We've forgotten that we need very little, and so we buy so much. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Silence category:

A pause in speech is silence. Silence is one of the most profound ways to connect with your inner voice, with nature. Silence is the best part of speech. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Simplicity category:

It's a matter of simplifying. Practice removing extraneous ideas... until you have only what's needed to express a simple thought. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Solitude category:

You can't hear your thoughts, your voice, without solitude. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Thought category:

An unfinished thought is any thought, really - if a thought is 'finished' it's dead. We are all of us in transition, all the time, and our thoughts can be no exception. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Travel category:

Packing light isn't hard, until you run against the 'Just In Case' Syndrome. (Leo Babauta)

Leo Babauta - From the Writing category:

Find what feels true. You'll write a lot, and most of it will be bullshit. You need the bullshit if you want to find the truth. Sort through the bullshit until you learn to recognize the truth, by feel, not by any logical criteria. The truth looks remarkably like bullshit. (Leo Babauta)