Bela Fidel quotes
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Bela Fidel Quotes

Quotes by Bela Fidel - (8 quotes)

Bela Fidel - From the Audience category:

It's good that people see it. It's even better when they love it. And it's wonderful if they buy it. (Bela Fidel)

Bela Fidel - From the Collage category:

The reason for [adding mixed media and collage] is that I like the effect of the inner coupled with the outer. I feel it is a good combination to take the viewer into, for example, depth and richness of color, totally abstract, to a recognizable element such as what the collage imparts. It adds interest and dimension, and thus enriches the work. (Bela Fidel)

Bela Fidel - From the Eroticism category:

Erotic symbols are part of nature in their aspect of fertility and creativity and, as such, are an inherent part of Man's own needs and drives. (Bela Fidel)

Bela Fidel - From the Pets category:

Dogs will help you not only live longer, but more happily. By relaxing you and warming you up inside, they are certainly a great creativity 'tool.' (Bela Fidel)

Bela Fidel - From the Searching category:

I am in constant search for my truest expression. Each painting takes me to roads traveled and worlds unknown and provides challenges for growth and humility. (Bela Fidel)

Bela Fidel - From the Simplicity category:

'Beautiful' will come from color composition and combination, depth and richness of color as well as overall design. 'Simplicity' will come from depth of colors and layers and a minimally 'cluttered' surface. (Bela Fidel)

Bela Fidel - From the Symbols category:

I believe that Nature and the Cosmos exist within Man in the form of subconscious symbols... Geometric shapes, such as the Circle and the Triangle, are themselves archetypal shapes and represent Man's striving for unity and harmony with the Cosmos. (Bela Fidel)

Bela Fidel - From the Universe category:

The unifying link in my paintings is my belief in the Oneness between the Universe and Man. This interaction is fruitful, fertile, reciprocally nourishing. (Bela Fidel)