William F. Reese quotes
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William F. Reese Quotes

Quotes by William F. Reese - (21 quotes)

William F. Reese - From the Aging category:

To take up painting late in life is admirable because it is probably the most difficult thing you'll ever try. It will consume the rest of your life... So go for it, work hard, and above all learn to enjoy the process because that is your true reward. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Artists category:

For those fortunate enough to be able to make a living in the arts, sometimes we need take a step back and realize how blessed we are. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Composition category:

Each change in the composition makes a larger change on the rest of the painting, and if that change isn't for the good of the whole then it will be unsuccessful. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Critics category:

When one is asked to give a critique or opinion of someone's work, we should feel free to do so honestly and freely... it should then be accepted as a gift... Now if you can't do it intelligently and out of kindness then you probably deserve to be called opinionated. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Difficulty category:

What is difficult and will take a life time to perfect is a painting or sculpture that rings like a bell or sings like a song. To make art that is more like music, we need to start thinking of ways to capture more of the essence of what we see. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Form category:

No matter to what degree you carry the detail, it should always be secondary to the pattern. The form is what is important not the story. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Growth category:

We accept the small victory that, even in defeat, we've done the best we can and tomorrow we'll do better. And so it goes, day after day. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Impressionism category:

The forest is essential, the trees incidental. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Impressionism category:

Painting to the Russian Impressionists is just another form of poetry and it should be to us as well. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Interest category:

Share with the world your own world and your view of it. You may be surprised just how unique and interesting each of us can be to those around us. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Magic category:

Remember, a trick isn't magic until it works. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Mediums category:

The art should have enough integrity to allow the medium to do what it does best. Using oil paint to be a second rate photograph or to replicate a mediocre watercolor serves no purpose other than to be seen as a gimmick. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Memory category:

I believe our memories have a much better idea about what is art than our eyes do, plus our memories do not recall unnecessary detail. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Modernism category:

The modernists look down on the realists because everything is based on meaningless skills and no concept. The natural realists look down on the modernists for lack of basic skills and only dealing with concept. Each group has surrounded itself with meaningless parameters and rules. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Nature category:

To set your easel up in front of the majesty of the untouched virgin wilderness is so humbling that it is hard to believe that you've been given the honor of trying to express your reaction to what you are witnessing. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Painting category:

Painting is damn hard work, no way around it. In fact, if you are having too much fun, you probably aren't paying attention. It is, however, satisfying and fulfilling, especially after an honest effort. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Plein-Air category:

As difficult as it is painting outdoors, there is no where else I'd rather work - all the answers stand right before you. You may need to move some things around, but it is still all right there in front of you. A bit like taking an open book test. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Realism category:

Every painter should be able to paint tight if for no other reason than to know, in their own mind, that what they are leaving out is by choice and not because it is expedient. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Rules category:

The rule book that I use has only one page in it and on that page are the words, 'There are no rules in art.' All one has to do is make it work. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Satisfaction category:

Eventually the satisfaction gets greater with each effort. (William F. Reese)

William F. Reese - From the Winning category:

You wonder sometimes if you will ever win. At times you wonder if you are ever going to get any closer to honoring the scene before you, until one day you turn back and look over your shoulder and you realize you've come much farther than you thought - in fact you now know you've come too far to turn back. (William F. Reese)