Warren Criswell quotes
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Warren Criswell Quotes

Quotes by Warren Criswell - (25 quotes)

Warren Criswell - From the Anxiety category:

Ignoring the images leads to anxiety and despair. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Art category:

True art floats above us somewhere in the heavens, invisible, indefinable and unattainable. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Artists category:

We're all thieves, really, trying futilely to steal these visual moments out of the rush of time. The result, a static object, is never that living image but something else entirely. Art is that passionate failure. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Blocks category:

My experience is that eventually an image emerges out of the despair - an image of the despair. Painting that image breaks the block. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Contrasts category:

In any painting a hard edge is harder and a soft one softer in the presence of the other. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Copying category:

If you are a true artist and not a copyist, no matter how much you covet the work of others, what you produce is going to be uniquely yours. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Creativity category:

The making of a work of art is a sort of replay of the birth of consciousness – the separation of object from subject, the world from one's self. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Desperation category:

Rather than trying to kill or ignore the beast, I feed it. It remains a beast, but changes suddenly into one of desire instead of despair. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Education category:

'Learning to paint' is probably the worst thing that can happen to an artist. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Ego category:

Creativity in general may require a certain disarmament of the ego. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Inexperience category:

Here on the 'planet of inexperience' we're always on the frontier. The trick for the painter is to know this and to embrace the danger and the mystery of it. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Models category:

The model – when she knows she is modelling, begins to be a stuffed owl. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Movement category:

The momentary visual delights of life in motion is the movement of the observer – me. If I don't do a drawing immediately, if only a brief sketch, it's gone. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Muse category:

The muse is born in pain, thrives on it and loves to inflict it. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Originality category:

There's a certain subtle pressure – even when you think you've put it behind you – toward the original, the unique, the novel and the new. It's easy to confuse this with authentic creativity. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Painting category:

Painting is one thing but art is another. You can teach an elephant to paint, but you can't teach it to be an artist. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Photography category:

The photo is never what I saw – it never records that Moment. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Questions category:

Can great art be made in a state of emotional and sexual fulfillment, intellectual and moral self-satisfaction? What happens to art when the lemon turns into lemonade? (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Reality category:

You can easily become a slave to reality... My best stuff comes not from taking reality by surprise, but from being taken by surprise by reality. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Struggle category:

We each have our own personal cutting edge, and once we slip back from it into some kind of complacency where experimentation and struggle are no longer necessary, we may as well hang it up. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Studio category:

Give your studio a high ceiling. Otherwise it will be difficult to light. Either that or don't do dark paintings... It's a problem of reflection. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Studio category:

The studio is less important than other things, like the burning desire to paint. If you don't have this disease, you can't catch it from a nice studio. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Teaching category:

Schools can teach us to paint and many other things, but they can't teach us how to be artists. It would be like being taught how to fall in love. Or how to fall off a cliff. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Time category:

Unfortunately, we don't have a sense of time until we have a sense of death. We all begin as immortals, and time is nothing to an immortal. But at some point we become mortal. (Warren Criswell)

Warren Criswell - From the Windows category:

The window of opportunity opens and closes as fast as a camera's shutter. (Warren Criswell)