Robert Wade quotes
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Robert Wade Quotes

Quotes by Robert Wade - (24 quotes)

Robert Wade - From the Ambition category:

Ambition is a very important part of the painter's personality, and without it there is no stimulus to arouse your enthusiasm and compel you to go forward in the face of failure and rejection. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Architecture category:

-on 12th century Cathedral Sainte-Cecile in Albi...
Someone began this with a thought, a sheet of paper and a pencil... all this magnificence was achieved without computers and slide rules... cranes or forklifts, and murals were painted without cameras or projectors. It all makes one feel very insignificant, doesn't it? (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Artists category:

Do not call yourself an artist until your peers tell you that you are! (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Colour category:

Learn to reach for colours instinctively, not automatically. Instinctively implies knowledge, sensitivity and perception. Automatically implies a mechanical reaction and a process that's akin to a formula. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Colour category:

You must feel the colours that are necessary for you to mix your desired hue and value. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Discovery category:

The artist will always discover something personal to say about any spot in the wide world where he or she chooses to set up the easel. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Gratitude category:

Teaching allows me to give back something to the profession from which I have received so much over so many years. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Ideas category:

My original small idea grows beyond the limitations of the subject. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Importance category:

It's not just what you say but how you say it that is so important. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Observation category:

Perceptive observation is seeing with your brain, feeling with your eyes, interpreting with your heart. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Painting category:

I don't paint how it looks, I paint how it feels. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Photography category:

The soul of the artist will always outshine the recording capabilities of the camera! (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Profession category:

My profession is dreaming. Could anyone be luckier? (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Questions category:

You must constantly engage in self-examination of your beliefs and working methods. It is not possible, nor is it fair to your group, to try and bluff your way through any difficult questions. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Rejection category:

Constant acceptance breeds complacency and mediocrity. Rejection breeds determination and ultimate success. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Seeing category:

What is seen by the eye is transformed and colored by the vision of the mind. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Selling category:

Never sell a work of which you are not proud to say, 'I painted that!' If you sell a 'dog' it will always come back to bite you. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Strength category:

A strong right hand is a valuable attribute. It enables you to rip up some of your failures. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Subject category:

It is not the subject that makes a painting work, it is the interpretation of the subject by the artist that lifts it out of the ordinary. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Teaching category:

Teachers have a profound effect on their students and I wonder if they are really aware of that. Passing on our knowledge must be done in a way that enables the student to understand it, to retain it, to be able to implement it and to be enthused by it. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Understanding category:

If there is something in your painting that needs explaining to the viewer, then it should never have been included. Just because it is there in the subject is never sufficient reason to paint it there. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Uniqueness category:

There is an ingredient in a painting that only you can put into it. It is your personal reaction to the subject, rather than a report of the facts that are apparent to everybody. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Vision category:

A scene is not just a scene but a vision of possibilities inherent in the subject. (Robert Wade)

Robert Wade - From the Watercolours category:

Watercolour is a lifetime pursuit... mostly uphill. (Robert Wade)