Peace Pilgrim quotes
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Peace Pilgrim Quotes

Quotes by Peace Pilgrim - (10 quotes)

Peace Pilgrim - From the Criticism category:

Before the tongue can speak, it must have lost the power to wound. (Peace Pilgrim)

Peace Pilgrim - From the Health category:

I don't eat junk foods and I don't think junk thoughts. (Peace Pilgrim)

Peace Pilgrim - From the Money category:

In my early life I made two very important discoveries. In the first place I discovered that making money was easy. And in the second place I discovered that making money and spending it foolishly was completely meaningless. (Peace Pilgrim)

Peace Pilgrim - From the Peace category:

All of us can work for peace. We can work right where we are, right within ourselves, because the more peace we have within our own lives, the more we can reflect into the outer situation. (Peace Pilgrim)

Peace Pilgrim - From the Possessions category:

Anything you cannot relinquish when it has outlived its usefulness possesses you, and in this materialistic age a great many of us are possessed by our possessions. (Peace Pilgrim)

Peace Pilgrim - From the Potential category:

Humanity has only scratched the surface of its real potential. (Peace Pilgrim)

Peace Pilgrim - From the Renewal category:

Do not suppress it - that would hurt you inside. Do not express it - this would not only hurt you inside, it would cause ripples in your surroundings. What you do is transform it. (Peace Pilgrim)

Peace Pilgrim - From the Spirituality category:

As I lived up to the highest light I had, higher and higher light came to me. (Peace Pilgrim)

Peace Pilgrim - From the Work category:

No one can find inner peace except by working, not in a self-centered way, but for the whole human family. (Peace Pilgrim)

Peace Pilgrim - From the Worry category:

Worry is a useless mulling over of things we cannot change. (Peace Pilgrim)