Roger Rosenblatt quotes
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Roger Rosenblatt Quotes

Quotes by Roger Rosenblatt - (23 quotes)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Anxiety category:

The writer's mind is like Alice's rabbit, leading hurriedly, sometimes recklessly, to mysterious places. The animal is fretful because he has to discover and display the places simultaneously. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Books category:

A library should be like a pair of open arms. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Change category:

If a man spends enough time in a library, he may actually change his mind. I have seen it happen. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Children category:

Children love to be alone because alone is where they know themselves, and where they dream. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Children category:

There may be no more pleasing picture in the world than that of a child peering into a book - the past and the future entrancing each other. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Critics category:

Just because the person who criticizes you is an idiot doesn't make him wrong. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Friendship category:

The one who never asks you what you are working on; who never inquires as to the success of your latest project; who never uses the word career as a noun - he is your friend. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Friendship category:

Friends are lights in winter; the older the friend, the brighter the light. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Generosity category:

Be kind for everyone you meet carries a great burden. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Language category:

I love starting the day with language and seeing if I can make something of it. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Memory category:

Live in the past, but don't remember too much. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Perfection category:

One senses, in all autobiography, a straining toward perfection, perfection of a kind that connects the individual with a cosmic pattern which, because it is perfect in itself, verifies that individuals own potential perfection. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Poetry category:

Whatever brief delights it provides, mere strangeness in poetry and prose eventually leaves us cold, especially when we suspect the writer is stretching for effect to avoid the actual life before his eyes. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Religion category:

If you're going to believe in God, if you're going to take that leap of faith, as I do, then the God that seems the most comprehensible to me would be the God who set us spinning and said 'Good luck.' (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Rules category:

Whatever you think matters - doesn't. Follow this rule, and you will add decades to your life. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Solitude category:

Children love to be alone because alone is where they know themselves and where they dream. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Teaching category:

Every writing teacher gives the subliminal message, every time they teach: 'Your life counts for something.' In no other subject that I know of is that message given. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Time category:

Time can be such a menace to a man. By this age do that; by that age do better. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Words category:

If you need three adjectives to describe something, then you've probably chosen the wrong something. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Words category:

Remote control. Ingenious contradiction of terms. Fits like a handshake. Aims like a gun. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Writing category:

If the sad truth be known, writers, being the misfits we are, probably ought not to belong to families in the first place. We simply are too self-interested, though we may excuse the flaw by calling it 'focused.' (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Writing category:

Why do we write? / To make suffering endurable / To make evil intelligible /To make justice desirable / and... to make love possible. (Roger Rosenblatt)

Roger Rosenblatt - From the Writing category:

Why... do the great writers use anticipation instead of surprise? Because surprise is merely an instrument of the unusual, whereas anticipation of a consequence enlarges our understanding of what is happening. (Roger Rosenblatt)