Martin Scorsese quotes
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Martin Scorsese Quotes

Quotes by Martin Scorsese - (30 quotes)

Martin Scorsese - From the Accidents category:

Always stay open to surprise. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Aging category:

I'm going to be 60, and I'm almost used to myself. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Aging category:

On the one hand, you're the same person, but as you get older, you change somewhat, and you never know how it's going to affect your work. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Art category:

It was an art form. There was some debate about that at the time, so we stood up for cinema as an equal to literature or music or dance. And we came to understand that the art could be found in many different places and in just as many forms. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Artists category:

For anyone who dreams of making movies or who is just starting out, the situation at this moment is brutal and inhospitable to art. And the act of simply writing those words fills me with terrible sadness. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Audience category:

When I'm making a film, I'm the audience. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Collaboration category:

You've got to understand when a collaborator isn't satisfied anymore. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Complaining category:

If I'm not complaining, I'm not having a good time, hah hah! (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Desire category:

If people are given only one kind of thing and endlessly sold only one kind of thing, of course they're going to want more of that one kind of thing. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Disappointment category:

There's a way that the force of disappointment can be alchemized into something that will paradoxically renew you. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Dissatisfaction category:

I have a desire to tell stories. And I'm never quite satisfied. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Excellence category:

It is not the most brilliant that excel in film, but the most patient! (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Humour category:

It's a very savage kind of humor; it comes out of a great deal of pain. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Masters category:

I always tell the younger filmmakers and students: Do it like the painters used to... Study the old masters. Enrich your palette. Expand the canvas. There's always so much more to learn. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Money category:

I think there's only one or two films where I've had all the financial support I needed. All the rest, I wish I'd had the money to shoot another ten days. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Music category:

I mean, music totally comes from your soul. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Performance category:

It's very good for me to remember what actors go through. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Possibilities category:

[Cinema] was about confronting the unexpected on the screen and in the life it dramatized and interpreted, and enlarging the sense of what was possible in the art form. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Problems category:

Part of making any endeavour is that each one has its own special problems. It's the nature of the process. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Questions category:

We want an answer for everything, but he can't give you the answer! You know the man through his art, and he's still going. He doesn't know where he's gonna wind up. He's trying to get home. Like all of us, I guess. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Recognition category:

I look for a thematic idea running through my movies and I see that it's the outsider struggling for recognition. I realize that all my life I've been an outsider, and above all, being lonely but never realizing it. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Religion category:

I do know that some Buddhists are able to attain peace of mind. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Revelation category:

I'm not videotaping my life, but in a way I am trying to put certain things about myself on canvas. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Risk category:

The most ominous change [in cinema] came stealthily and under cover of night: the gradual but steady elimination of risk. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Simplicity category:

There's no such thing as simple. Simple is hard. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Solitude category:

I don't really see many people... don't really go anywhere either. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Technology category:

If everything moves along and there are no major catastrophes we're basically headed towards holograms. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Windows category:

Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out. (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Words category:

Watching Dylan's eyes as he searches for these words, you see it all happening there... (Martin Scorsese)

Martin Scorsese - From the Work category:

You have to put yourself in a situation, a lifestyle, that makes you do the work. Even if it's a monastery. (Martin Scorsese)