Edvard Munch quotes
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Edvard Munch Quotes

Quotes by Edvard Munch - (30 quotes)

Edvard Munch - From the Aging category:

My breakthrough came very late in life, really only starting when I was fifty years old. But at that time I felt as though I had the strength for new deeds and ideas. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Anxiety category:

For as long as I can remember I have suffered from a deep feeling of anxiety which I have tried to express in my art. Without anxiety and illness I should have been like a ship without a rudder. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Art category:

A work of art can only come from the interior of man. Art is the form of the image formed upon the nerves, heart, brain and eye of man. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Change category:

No longer shall I paint interiors, and people reading, and women knitting. I shall paint living people who breathe and feel and suffer and love. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Colour category:

I was walking along a road one evening – on one side lay the city, and below me was the fjord. The sun went down – the clouds were stained red, as if with blood. I felt as though the whole of nature was screaming – it seemed as though I could hear a scream. I painted that picture, painting the clouds like real blood. The colours screamed. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Critics category:

After all his literary efforts had come to nought and he had to wear dark glasses, he became an art critic. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Critics category:

They do not believe that these impressions, these instant sensations, could contain even the smallest grain of sanity. If a tree is red or blue, or a face is blue or green, they are sure that is insanity. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Danger category:

My whole life has been spent walking by the side of a bottomless chasm, jumping from stone to stone. Sometimes I try to leave my narrow path and join the swirling mainstream of life, but I always find myself drawn inexorably back towards the chasm's edge, and there I shall walk until the day I finally fall into the abyss. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Education category:

- Munch: In His Own Words...
The Academies of Art are nothing but great painting factories - those with talent are fed in at one end, and they come out as mechanical painting machines. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Emotion category:

The way one sees is also dependent upon one's emotional state of mind. This is why a motif can be looked at in so many ways, and this is what makes art so interesting. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Expression category:

If what you want to paint is the emotive mood in all its strength ... then you must not sit and stare at everything and depict it exactly as one sees it. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Fear category:

Without fear and illness, I could never have accomplished all I have. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Fear category:

I was walking along the road with two friends. The sun set. I felt a tinge of melancholy. Suddenly the sky became a bloody red... I stood there, trembling with fright. And I felt a loud, unending scream piercing nature. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Gender category:

There is a battle that goes on between men and women. Many people call it love. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Happiness category:

I have been given a unique role to play on this earth: given to me by a life filled with sickness, ill-starred circumstances and my profession as an artist. It is a life that contains nothing that resembles happiness, and moreover does not even desire happiness. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Interest category:

Certainly a chair can be just as interesting as a human being. But first the chair must be perceived by a human being... You should not paint the chair, but only what someone has felt about it. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Life category:

Was it because she took my first kiss, that she took away my life's breath? Was it that she lied – she deceived – that one day suddenly the scales fell from my eyes and I saw a Medusa's head and I saw life as a thing of terror. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Meaning category:

In my art I have tried to explain to myself life and its meaning. I have also tried to help others to clarify their lives. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Nature category:

Nature is not only what is visible to the eye – it also shows the inner images of the soul – the images on the back side of the eyes. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Painting category:

-Munch: In His Own Words...
Anybody who perceives colors can become a painter. It's simply a question of whether or not one has felt anything and whether one has the courage to recount the things one has felt. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Photography category:

The camera will never compete with the brush and palette until such time as photography can be taken to Heaven or Hell. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Questions category:

But can they [great works] get rid of the worm that lies gnawing at the roots of my heart? No, never. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Realism category:

-Munch: In His Own Words...
Any number of holier-than-thou honorable realists walk around in the belief that they have accomplished something, simply because they tell you for the hundredth time that a field is green and a red-painted house is painted red. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Repose category:

And I would often wake up at night and stare widely into the room: Am I in Hell? (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Research category:

Just as Leonardo da Vinci studied human anatomy and dissected corpses, so I try to dissect souls. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Seeing category:

I do not paint what I see, but what I saw. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Selling category:

When I paint, I never think of selling. People simply fail to understand that we paint in order to experiment and to develop ourselves as we strive for greater heights. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Suffering category:

They will not get it into their heads that these paintings were created in all seriousness and in suffering, that they are the products of sleepless nights, that they have cost me blood and weakened my nerves. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Talent category:

My will exceeds my talents. (Edvard Munch)

Edvard Munch - From the Worry category:

From the moment of my birth, the angels of anxiety, worry, and death stood at my side, followed me out when I played, followed me in the sun of springtime and in the glories of summer. They stood at my side in the evening when I closed my eyes, and intimidated me with death, hell, and eternal damnation. (Edvard Munch)