Kathe Kollwitz quotes
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Kathe Kollwitz Quotes

Quotes by Kathe Kollwitz - (13 quotes)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Aging category:

I do not want to die... until I have faithfully made the most of my talent. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Beauty category:

For me the Koenigsberg longshoremen had beauty; the Polish jimkes on their grain ships had beauty; the broad freedom of movement in the gestures of the common people had beauty. Middle-class people held no appeal for me at all. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Blocks category:

How long were the stretches of toilsome tacking back and forth, of being blocked, of being thrown back again and again. But all that was annulled by the periods when I had my technique in hand and succeeded in doing what I wanted. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Culture category:

Culture arises only when the individual fulfills his cycle of obligations. If everyone recognizes and fulfills his cycle of obligations, genuineness emerges. The culture of a whole nation can in the final analysis be built upon nothing else. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Emotion category:

No longer diverted by other emotions, I work the way a cow grazes. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Genius category:

Genius can probably run on ahead and seek out new ways. But the good artists who follow after genius – and I count myself among these – have to restore the lost connection once more. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Gratitude category:

There are moments on most days when I feel a deep and sincere gratitude, when I sit at the open window and there is a blue sky or moving clouds. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Happiness category:

I was happy, but happy is an adult word. You don't have to ask a child about happy, you see it. They are or they are not. Talking about it is the same as trying to catch the wind. Much easier to let it blow all over you. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Life category:

Look at life with the eyes of a child. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Religion category:

To this day I do not know whether the power which has inspired my works is something related to religion, or is indeed religion itself. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Suffering category:

While I drew, and wept along with the terrified children I was drawing, I really felt the burden I am bearing. I felt that I have no right to withdraw from the responsibility of being an advocate. It is my duty to voice the suffering of men, the never-ending sufferings heaped mountain-high. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Talent category:

I want to cultivate the seed that was placed in me until the last small twig has grown. (Kathe Kollwitz)

Kathe Kollwitz - From the Work category:

For the last third of life there remains only work. It alone is always stimulating, rejuvenating, exciting and satisfying. (Kathe Kollwitz)