Ted Hesketh - From the Art category:
Art is music made visible as music is art made audible. (Ted Hesketh)
Ted Hesketh - From the Lines category:
-while out with Robert Genn in his floating studio... Take a look at the line of that mountain range over there. If you plot that on a bar scale and connect the dots, you'll have yourself a pretty good tune. All you need is a nice line. (Ted Hesketh)
Ted Hesketh - From the Music category:
If you look at scores by Mozart and Beethoven, if you want to connect the dots, you will get a beautiful mountainscape. (Ted Hesketh)
Ted Hesketh - From the Painting category:
Painting and music always go hand-in-hand. The concept of line is critical in both, textures are critical to both, and also design, which is the same as composition. (Ted Hesketh)