Lou Reed quotes
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Lou Reed Quotes

Quotes by Lou Reed - (35 quotes)

Lou Reed - From the Aging category:

It's depressing when you're still around and your albums are out of print. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Aging category:

I'm too old to do things by half. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Audience category:

I have no control over the audience. I have no idea what they think. My heart's pure. I can't do anything. I really can't do anything. I don't know what goes on in the crowd. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Belief category:

I always believed that I have something important to say and I said it. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Brother/Sisterhood category:

These are really terribly rough times, and we really should try to be as nice to each other as possible. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Concentration category:

Me, I've concentrated on music pretty much to the exclusion of other things. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Critics category:

I don't know anyone actually who does care what a critic says. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Dissatisfaction category:

I've never been super confident about anything. The work is never as good as it could be. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Ego category:

I'm an artist and that means I can be as egotistical as I want to be. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Fame category:

I've become completely well adjusted to being a cult figure. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Future category:

I think life is far too short to concentrate on your past. I rather look into the future. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Influence category:

I was a product of Andy Warhol's Factory. All I did was sit there and observe these incredibly talented and creative people who were continually making art, and it was impossible not to be affected by that. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Interest category:

The music business doesn't interest me anymore. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Journey category:

Take a walk on the wild side. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Life category:

Life is like Sanskrit read to a pony. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Listening category:

I am very emotionally affected by sound. Sounds are the inexplicable... There is a sound you hear in your head, it's your nerves, or your blood running. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Magic category:

There's a bit of magic in everything, and then some loss to even things out. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Meditation category:

Meditation doesn't have to be complicated. What I do is about as simple as you can get. You could just count the beads, one, two, three, with your eyes closed or open, whatever makes you happy. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Morality category:

I don't think anybody is anybody else's moral compass. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Music category:

One chord is fine. Two chords are pushing it. Three chords and you're into jazz. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Music category:

The music is all. People should die for it. People are dying for everything else, so why not the music? (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Order category:

Sound is more than just noise. Ordered sound is music. My life is music. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Perfection category:

When I record an album I'm trying to get as close as possible to that perfect moment. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Profession category:

I wanted to be an actor. That was my real goal. But I wasn't any good at it, so I wrote my own material and acted through that. That's my idea of fun. I get to be all these things in the songs. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Purpose category:

I think it's pretentious to create art just for the sake of stroking the artist's ego. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Questions category:

You can't ask me to explain the lyrics because I won't do it. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Religion category:

My God is rock'n'roll. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Repetition category:

I don't mind a repetitive chorus; I mind repetitive verse. I mean, it's the same amount of space. Why would you have only three diamonds if you can have six? (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Rules category:

One of my rules is: Never listen to your old stuff. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Silence category:

I can create a vibe without saying anything, just by being in the room. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Survival category:

I survived because I still believe I've got something to say. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Time category:

There's only X amount of time. You can do whatever you want with that time. It's your time. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Tyranny category:

Some even claim that I'm a terror, a dictator and they're right. (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Vanity category:

How can anybody learn anything from an artwork when the piece of art only reflects the vanity of the artist and not reality? (Lou Reed)

Lou Reed - From the Writing category:

For a while, I felt a little self-impelled to write Lou Reed Kind of songs. I should have understood that a Lou Reed song was anything I wanted to write about. (Lou Reed)