Margaret Atwood quotes
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Margaret Atwood Quotes

Quotes by Margaret Atwood - (25 quotes)

Margaret Atwood - From the Aging category:

Another belief of mine: that everyone else my age is an adult, whereas I am merely in disguise. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Art category:

Popular art is the dream of society; it does not examine itself. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Artists category:

As an artist your first loyalty is to your art. Unless this is the case, you're going to be a second-rate artist. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Books category:

Once you publish a book, it is out of your control. You cannot dictate how people read it. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Creativity category:

More of your brain is involved when reading than it is when you watch television... because you are supplying just about everything... you're a creator. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Drawing category:

There's nothing like drawing a thing to make you really see it. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Fame category:

If you're put on a pedestal, you're supposed to behave yourself like a pedestal type of person. Pedestals actually have a limited circumference. Not much room to move around. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Fear category:

The fact is that blank pages inspire me with terror. What will I put on them? Will it be good enough? Will I have to throw it out? (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Future category:

As soon as you have a language that has a past tense and a future tense you're going to say, 'Where did we come from, what happens next?' The ability to remember the past helps us plan the future. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Hope category:

Writing... is an act of faith: I believe it's also an act of hope, the hope that things can get better than they are. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Humanity category:

I hope that people will finally come to realize that there is only one 'race' - the human race - and that we are all members of it. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Knowledge category:

- The Year of the Flood...
As with all knowledge, once you knew it, you couldn't imagine how it was that you hadn't known it before. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Language category:

All writers feel struck by the limitations of language. All serious writers. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Perfection category:

If I waited for perfection... I would never write a word. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Poetry category:

The genesis of a poem for me is usually a cluster of words. The only good metaphor I can think of is a scientific one: dipping a thread into a supersaturated solution to induce crystal formation. I don't think I solve problems in my poetry; I think I uncover the problems. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Poetry category:

I don't think of poetry as a 'rational' activity but as an aural one. My poems usually begin with words or phrases which appeal more because of their sound than their meaning, and the movement and phrasing of a poem are very important to me. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Potential category:

Potential has a shelf life. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Questions category:

The answers you get from literature depend on the questions you pose. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Reality category:

Optimism means better than reality; pessimism means worse than reality. I'm a realist. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Silence category:

There are some virtues to not saying what you think all the time. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Technology category:

People use technology only to mean digital technology. Technology is actually everything we make. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Time category:

Time is compressed like the fist I close on my knee... I hold inside it the clues and solutions and the power for what I must do now. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Time category:

Time is not a thing that passes... it's a sea on which you float. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Words category:

A word after a word after a word is power. (Margaret Atwood)

Margaret Atwood - From the Writing category:

There's a difference between describing and evoking something. You can describe something and be quite clinical about it. To evoke it, you call it up in the reader. That's what writers do when they're good. (Margaret Atwood)