Dennis Merritt Jones quotes
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Dennis Merritt Jones Quotes

Quotes by Dennis Merritt Jones - (20 quotes)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Aging category:

Regardless of how old we may be chronologically, it's never too late to redefine who we believe ourselves to be. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Appreciation category:

Isn't it amazing how often we don't take time to truly appreciate something until we no longer have it? (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Change category:

- The Art of Uncertainty...
Why do we resist the mystery that change brings? (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Choices category:

To be fully conscious means we have to make conscious choices. If we feel we are stuck in the energy of an undesirable habit, at some level we have actually chosen to give our power to it. Perhaps now's the time to choose another way - we can choose to take our power back. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Courage category:

There is a place within us that is courageous beyond our human understanding; it yearns to explore beyond the boundaries of our daily life. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Courage category:

- The Art of Uncertainty...
There is a place within us that is courageous beyond our human understanding; it yearns to explore beyond the boundaries of our daily life. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Difficulty category:

- The Art of Being...
Know that a whole and happy life is not free of obstacles. Quite the contrary, a whole and happy life is riddled with obstacles - they simply become the very stepping-stones that help lift us to a new perspective. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Fear category:

Nothing triggers fear of the unknown faster than that which we cannot see - our minds do a marvelous job of running ahead of us in the apparent darkness, creating all sorts of scary diversions and reasons for not moving forward. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Freedom category:

We were born to be free, to expand our horizons by going where we have never gone before, and not to hang out in the relative comfort and safety of the nest, the known. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Friendship category:

To share our journey with others is what life is really all about - that's why there is more than one of us on the planet. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Greatness category:

Our biggest challenge with our inherent potential for greatness might be that too often we unconsciously fear it because we have not conditioned ourselves for what greatness may bring. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Habit category:

The habits operating in your life, conscious or unconscious, good or bad, are serving you in projecting your current self-image onto the screen of your life. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Happiness category:

We bring happiness with us wherever we go. Happiness is not something that happens to us, it happens through us when we consciously choose to make space for it to do so. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Humour category:

Laughter can really dissolve the distance between two or more people because our hearts all speak the same tongue, which is love. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Life category:

We get so caught up with 'doing life' that we forget to stop and breathe into the moment and simply take stock of how good it is to be alive. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Patience category:

Impatience is the unformed energy of fear looking for a place to manifest. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Power category:

A positive thinker grounded in his or her spirituality is the most powerful person on the face of the planet. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Practice category:

As a mindfulness practice, become the conscious observer of your thoughts, feelings and actions today. Notice how much of your energy is being stolen from you by the time-bandits of the past and the future. Make a conscious choice to step into the Now, and do so by breathing consciously. (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Questions category:

The question is, how much silence can you bear? How deep are you willing to go below surface living to reconnect with who you truly are? (Dennis Merritt Jones)

Dennis Merritt Jones - From the Silence category:

- Your Redefining Moments...
You don't have to go on a quest to 'find' silence - it's a matter of uncovering it right where you are. (Dennis Merritt Jones)