Sanaya Roman quotes
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Sanaya Roman Quotes

Quotes by Sanaya Roman - (18 quotes)

Sanaya Roman - From the Attitude category:

Your attitude determines how you experience the world. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Belief category:

- Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self...
The only differences between people who think they are creative and people who think they are not are their beliefs about their creativity. Start telling yourself that you are a creative person. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Challenge category:

Honor your challenges, for those spaces that you label as dark are actually there to bring you more light, to strengthen you, to firm your resolve, and to bring out the best in you. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Challenge category:

Your greatest challenge is to not be distracted by that which happens in front of you, or is pulling on you or calling to you, but instead to find your center and magnetize to yourself all those things that are in alignment with your inner being (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Energy category:

There is no energy more powerful than love. Love creates miracles, heals all wounds, and purifies all lower energies. You cannot give love away, for the more you give, the more you will receive in return. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Gratitude category:

Whatever you appreciate and give thanks for will increase in your life. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Guidance category:

All you need to do to receive guidance is to ask for it and then listen. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Humility category:

- Living with Joy: Keys to Personal Power and Spiritual Transformation...
Truly powerful people have great humility. They do not try to impress; they do not try to be influential. They simply are. People are magnetically drawn to them. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Imagination category:

- Creating Money: Attracting Abundance...
Make your imaginings so real that they feel possible to create rather than like wishful and distant fantasies. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Joy category:

True joy comes from operating with Inner-directedness and recognizing who you are. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Love category:

What you love is a sign from your higher self of what you are to do. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Peace category:

Having inner peace means committing to letting go of self-criticism and self-doubt. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Planning category:

In everyone's mind there is a whisper of the next step. It may be simple, such as making a phone call or reading a book. It may be a very concrete, mundane step to take that may not even seem connected with your higher vision. Know that you are always being shown the next step; it is always something that comes to your mind as obvious, simple, and a joyful thing to do. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Relaxation category:

- Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self...
Take time to daydream, fantasize, relax, and think about what you want to create. Practice thinking in new, unlimited ways. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Senses category:

- Personal Power Through Awareness: A Guidebook for Sensitive People...
To sense energy accurately, learn to get quiet, to step outside your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and to become a blank screen so that you can receive impressions. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Silence category:

Powerful people are most often very silent and focused, aware of their core selves... They never persuade, nor do they use manipulation or aggressiveness to get their way. They listen. If there is anything they can offer to assist you, they offer it; if not, they are silent. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Trust category:

Loving the self involves faith and trust and belief in who you are, and a willingness to take action upon it. (Sanaya Roman)

Sanaya Roman - From the Universe category:

- Soul Love: Awakening Your Heart Centers...
All energy in the universe responds positively to love. (Sanaya Roman)