Elaine de Kooning quotes
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Elaine de Kooning Quotes

Quotes by Elaine de Kooning - (7 quotes)

Elaine de Kooning - From the Artists category:

Artists are like cockroaches; everything is grist for the mill. (Elaine de Kooning)

Elaine de Kooning - From the Gender category:

Women can also be creative in total isolation. I know excellent women artists who do original work without any response to speak of. Maybe they are used to lack of feedback. Maybe they are tougher. (Elaine de Kooning)

Elaine de Kooning - From the Innocence category:

Every artist returns to things - the drawings that you make as a child or as an adolescent and the ideas that you have as a young beginning artist - no doubt they crop up again and again. (Elaine de Kooning)

Elaine de Kooning - From the Inspiration category:

Inspiration is indispensable to my work, but it is hard to come by. It is there or it is not; it is a gift of the gods. (Elaine de Kooning)

Elaine de Kooning - From the Painting category:

A painting to me is primarily a verb, not a noun, an event first and only secondarily an image. (Elaine de Kooning)

Elaine de Kooning - From the Revelation category:

I made my first trip west of the Hudson and it was a revelation. The naked musculature of the Rockies was overpowering and my painting responded. (Elaine de Kooning)

Elaine de Kooning - From the Studio category:

Bill's studio was just one painting on his canvas or maybe a few others. But Gorky overwhelmed me with the sense of profusion. There were paintings all around. Overwhelming, I thought, I have come as the crow flies to the real artists in America. (Elaine de Kooning)