Lynda Gaelyn Smith quotes
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Lynda Gaelyn Smith Quotes

Quotes by Lynda Gaelyn Smith - (9 quotes)

Lynda Gaelyn Smith - From the Activity category:

I am, therefore I do. (Lynda Gaelyn Smith)

Lynda Gaelyn Smith - From the Beauty category:

Someone spoke to me of the beauty in a grain of sand. I placed that beauty beneath the microscope of my limited knowledge and realized it was not powerful enough to see between the spaces of the atoms, the information held by time. (Lynda Gaelyn Smith)

Lynda Gaelyn Smith - From the Exploration category:

I explore the particular with the hope of discovering something microscopically universal. (Lynda Gaelyn Smith)

Lynda Gaelyn Smith - From the Fire category:

With a fire in my belly, I rarely get cold feet. (Lynda Gaelyn Smith)

Lynda Gaelyn Smith - From the Knowledge category:

These works that leave my hand are a bi-product of self-knowledge – a satisfying residue. (Lynda Gaelyn Smith)

Lynda Gaelyn Smith - From the Memory category:

When I dig into the past, I am sifting through the fossilized remains of days and nights, of fifty years compressed into memories that I brush carefully to the surface and into the open air of consciousness. (Lynda Gaelyn Smith)

Lynda Gaelyn Smith - From the Patriotism category:

The American Dream is turning into a nightmare with gross implications for the morning after. (Lynda Gaelyn Smith)

Lynda Gaelyn Smith - From the Thought category:

The fragrance of thought is a perfume sold to sweep a man to his feet! (Lynda Gaelyn Smith)

Lynda Gaelyn Smith - From the Words category:

Playing with words can deliver you that same concussive heart to head battle, hitting you square in the heart and then knocking your mind back with the meat of meaning. (Lynda Gaelyn Smith)