Meher Baba quotes
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Meher Baba Quotes

Quotes by Meher Baba - (30 quotes)

Meher Baba - From the Adventure category:

There is no greater romance in life than this adventure in realization. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Art category:

- The Perfect Master by Charles Purdom...
Art, when inspired with love, leads to higher realms. Love art, and that art will open for you the inner life. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Art category:

Art is a divine thing. It can only be rightly expressed if opposed, to bring out its inner beauty that lies behind. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Artists category:

I am also an artist. I have the whole world as my canvas. I paint souls... (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Artists category:

I love artists, because through art one can express oneself beautifully. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Critics category:

Every good work has to face opposition, and the reaction of the opposition offered always helps the work. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Difficulty category:

Difficulties give us the opportunity to prove our greatness by overcoming them. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Ego category:

- The Perfect Master by Charles Purdom...
When you paint, you forget everything except your object. When you are too much engrossed in it, you are lost in it. And when you are lost in it, your ego diminishes. And when the ego diminishes, love infinite appears. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Emotion category:

Art is one of the sources through which the soul expresses itself and inspires others. But to express art thoroughly, one must have the inner emotions opened thoroughly. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Goodness category:

When a person tells others 'Be good,' he conveys to his hearers the feeling that he is good and they are not. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Happiness category:

Don't Worry; be Happy! (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Happiness category:

Happiest is he who expects no happiness from others. Love delights and glorifies in giving, not receiving. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Illusion category:

All illusion comes and goes, but the soul remains unchanged. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Imagination category:

...illusion throughout is illusion. There is no end to it, just as there is no end to imagination. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Life category:

Life becomes meaningful and all activities are purposeful only on the basis of faith in the enduring reality. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Limitations category:

Anything beyond your capacity will necessarily change your capacity, because so long as everything is within your limits, you don't know what is beyond them... (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Painting category:

I am also a painter. I paint the hearts of people with colors of spirituality. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Problems category:

Remain in a good mood and be cheerful, despite your reeling brain. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Questions category:

There is only one question. And once you know the answer to that question there are no more to ask. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Religion category:

Who says God has created this world? We have created it by our own imagination. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Silence category:

External silence helps to achieve inner silence. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Sincerity category:

Live a sincere life; be natural, and be honest with yourself. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Spirituality category:

I love everybody. Each one plays the role they have to play, but in the spiritual arena there are people who are even closer to me than that. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Strength category:

Sometimes our weakness is considered strength, and we take delight in borrowed greatness. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Suffering category:

Suffering is essential for the elimination of the ego, just as it was necessary for you to scrub and scrub in order to wash the stain from my coat. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Thinking category:

Just think you are the greatest. Where's the harm in thinking like that? It is not for pride you do it, but for bringing the best out of you. There is nothing wrong. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Time category:

Live more and more in the present, which is ever beautiful and stretches away beyond the limits of the past and the future. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Universe category:

This whole universe, with all its vastness, grandeur and beauty, is nothing but sheer imagination. In spite of so many discoveries, researches and scientific knowledge, the creation remains a great unsolved riddle. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Words category:

You have asked for and been given enough words - it is now time to live them. (Meher Baba)

Meher Baba - From the Worry category:

Worry is the product of feverish imagination working under the stimulus of desires... It is a necessary resultant of attachment to the past or to the anticipated future, and it always persists in some form or other until the mind is completely detached from everything. (Meher Baba)