Tove Jansson quotes
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Tove Jansson Quotes

Quotes by Tove Jansson - (27 quotes)

Tove Jansson - From the Adventure category:

- Moominsummer Madness...
The spirit of adventure sped through his soul on mighty wings. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Aging category:

- The Summer Book...
I know I do everything. I've been doing everything for an awfully long time, and I've seen and lived as hard as I could, and it's been unbelievable, I tell you, unbelievable. But now I have the feeling everything is gliding away from me, and I don't remember, and I don't care, and yet now is right when I need it. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Beauty category:

- The Listener...
No one can depict desolation who hasn't inhabited desolation and observed it very closely. Things condemned have a terrible beauty. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Books category:

- The Summer Book...
It was a particularly good evening to begin a book. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Danger category:

- Sculptor's Daughter...
I mean, anyone can let Danger out but the really clever thing is finding somewhere for it to go afterwards. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Desire category:

- Lyssnerskan...
He did not confuse what he longed for with his gratitude for what he had. Extreme desires have their own sanctuary. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Discovery category:

One has to discover everything for oneself. And get over it all alone. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Dreams category:

It's risky to talk about one's most secret dreams a bit too early. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Fire category:

- Moominpappa at Sea...
The lamp sizzled as it burned. It made everything seem close and safe, a little family circle they all knew and trusted. Outside this circle lay everything that was strange and frightening, and the darkness seemed to reach higher and higher and further and further away, right to the end of the world. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Friendship category:

- Moominsummer Madness...
Isn't it fun when one's friends get exactly what suits them? (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Imagination category:

- Sculptor's Daughter...
Everyone must imagine his own snakes because no one else's snakes can ever be as awful. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Importance category:

- Art in Nature...
I need to write down my observations. Even the tiniest ones; they're the most important. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Insecurity category:

All things are so very uncertain, and that's exactly what makes me feel reassured. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Journey category:

- Moominpappa at Sea...
Making a journey by night is more wonderful than anything in the world. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Light category:

One must use the night. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Nature category:

- The Summer Book...
Only farmers and summer guests walk on the moss. What they don't know - and it cannot be repeated too often - is that moss is terribly frail. Step on it once and it rises the next time it rains. The second time, it doesn't rise back up. And the third time you step on moss, it dies. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Passion category:

- Travelling Light...
Maybe my passion is nothing special, but at least it's mine. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Perseverance category:

- Fair Play...
It is simply this: do not tire, never lose interest, never grow indifferent - lose your invaluable curiosity and you let yourself die. It's as simple as that. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Plein-Air category:

- The True Deceiver...
She had picked the spot the day before and carried out a stool low enough to sit on and still have her paintbox and her water cup within reach. Anna didn't use an easel. Easels seemed to her an altogether too assertive aid, too obvious. She liked to work as unobtrusively as possible, the paper spread on a board in her lap, close to her hand. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Possessions category:

But that's how it is when you start wanting to have things. Now, I just look at them, and when I go away I carry them in my head. Then my hands are always free, because I don't have to carry a suitcase. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Senses category:

- The Summer Book...
Smell is important. It reminds a person of all the things he's been through; it is a sheath of memories and security. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Solitude category:

Anyway, solitary people interest me. There are so many different ways of being solitary. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Solitude category:

- The True Deceiver...
It was simply that she was only fully alive when she devoted herself to her singular ability to draw, and when she drew she was naturally always alone. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Time category:

- Moominpappa at Sea...
It takes a long time sometimes... It can take a terrible long time before things sort themselves out. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Travel category:

You must go on a long journey before you can really find out how wonderful home is. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Windows category:

- The Listener...
It seemed to her the window was a great eye looking out over the city and the harbour and a strip of the gulf under ice. The new silence and emptiness was not entirely a loss; it was something of a relief. Aunt Gerda felt like a balloon, untied, soaring off its own way. But, she thought, it's a balloon that's bouncing against the ceiling and can't get free. (Tove Jansson)

Tove Jansson - From the Words category:

I am fond of lovely old words like 'locomotive.' (Tove Jansson)