Wallace Stevens quotes
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Wallace Stevens Quotes

Quotes by Wallace Stevens - (83 quotes)

Wallace Stevens - From the Abstraction category:

Poetry is an abstraction bloodied. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Acceptance category:

Beneath every no lays a passion for yes that had never been broken. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Aging category:

Our bloom is gone. We are the fruit thereof. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Artists category:

The genuine artist is never 'true to life.' He sees what is real, but not as we are normally aware of it. We do not go storming through life like actors in a play. Art is never real life. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Beauty category:

The most beautiful thing in the world is, of course, the world itself. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Beauty category:

Death is the mother of beauty. Only the perishable can be beautiful, which is why we are unmoved by artificial flowers. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Belief category:

- Opus Posthumous: Poems, Plays, Prose...
The final belief is to believe in a fiction, which you know to be a fiction, there being nothing else. The exquisite truth is to know that it is a fiction and that you believe in it willingly. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Books category:

The house was quiet and the world was calm. / The reader became the book; and summer night / Was like the conscious being of the book. / The house was quiet and the world was calm. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Boredom category:

Everything is complicated; if that were not so, life and poetry and everything else would be a bore. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Change category:

A change of style is a change of meaning. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Change category:

They said, 'You have a blue guitar, you do not play things as they are.' The man replied, 'Things as they are are changed upon the blue guitar. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Chaos category:

We live in an old chaos of the sun. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Character category:

There is a perfect rout of characters in every man - and every man is like an actor's trunk, full of strange creatures, new and old. But an actor and his trunk are two different things. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Choices category:

I do not know which to prefer, / The beauty of inflections, / Or the beauty of innuendoes, / The blackbird whistling, / Or just after. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Colour category:

The yellow glistens. / It glistens with various yellows, / Citrons, oranges and greens / Flowering over the skin. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Colour category:

Then the sea and heaven rolled as one and from the two came fresh transfigurings of freshest blue. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Creativity category:

...there never was a world for her. Except the one she sang and singing made. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Critics category:

Intolerance respecting other people's religion is toleration itself in comparison with intolerance respecting other people's art. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Desire category:

The reason can give nothing at all Like the response to desire. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Earth category:

- The Necessary Angel: Essays on Reality and the Imagination...
The great poems of heaven and hell have been written and the great poem of earth remains to be written. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Eccentricity category:

The whole race is a poet that writes down / The eccentric propositions of its fate. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Ego category:

If some really acute observer made as much of egotism as Freud has made of sex, people would forget a good deal about sex and find the explanation for everything in egotism. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Emotion category:

Sentimentality is a failure of feeling. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Emotion category:

Sentimentality is a failure of feeling. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Eroticism category:

If sex were all, then every trembling hand / Could make us squeak, like dolls, the wished-for words. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Fire category:

The fire burns as the novel taught it how. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Future category:

After the final no there comes a yes / And on that yes the future world hangs. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Humanity category:

Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Imagination category:

Imagination is the power of the mind over the possibilities of things. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Imagination category:

The imagination is man's power over nature. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Imagination category:

The imagination loses vitality as it ceases to adhere to what is real. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Importance category:

One cannot spend one's time in being modern when there are so many more important things to be. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Intellect category:

The poem must resist the intelligence almost successfully. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Journey category:

The way through the world is more difficult to find than the way beyond it. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Joy category:

- Harmonium...
I still feel the need of some imperishable bliss. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Knowledge category:

Man is an eternal sophomore. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Life category:

To regard the imagination as metaphysics is to think of it as part of life, and to think of it as part of life is to realize the extent of artifice. We live in the mind. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Listening category:

Most people read poetry listening for echoes because the echoes are familiar to them. They wade through it the way a boy wades through water, feeling with his toes for the bottom: The echoes are the bottom. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Love category:

In poetry, you must love the words, the ideas and the images and rhythms with all your capacity to love anything at all. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Meaning category:

A poem need not have a meaning and like most things in nature often does not have. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Meditation category:

What our eyes behold may well be the text of life but one's meditations on the text and the disclosures of these meditations are no less a part of the structure of reality. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Mirrors category:

Everybody is looking at everybody else a foolish crowd walking on mirrors. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Money category:

Money is a kind of poetry. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Music category:

-Peter Quince at the Clavier...
Music falls on the silence like a sense / A passion that we feel, not understand. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Music category:

Music is feeling then, not sound. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Nature category:

Poor, dear, silly Spring, preparing her annual surprise! (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Nature category:

The day of the sun is like the day of a king. It is a promenade in the morning, a sitting on the throne at noon, a pageant in the evening. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Observation category:

Accuracy of observation is the equivalent of accuracy of thinking. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Opposites category:

-The Collected Poems...
Two things of opposite natures seem to depend / One on another, as Logos depends / On Eros, day on night, the imagined On the real. / This is the origin of change. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Order category:

A violent order is disorder; and a great disorder is an order. These two things are one. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Originality category:

It is necessary to any originality to have the courage to be an amateur. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Perception category:

Conceptions are artificial. Perceptions are essential. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Perfection category:

The imperfect is our paradise. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Philosophy category:

Perhaps it is of more value to infuriate philosophers than to go along with them. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Philosophy category:

The philosopher proves that the philosopher exists. The poet merely enjoys existence. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Poetry category:

One reads poetry with one's nerves. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Poetry category:

There it was, word for word, / The poem that took the place of a mountain. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Poetry category:

The poet is the priest of the invisible. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Poetry category:

Poetry is the scholar's art. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Possibilities category:

It is never the thing but the version of the thing. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Possibilities category:

One must have a mind of winter. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Realism category:

Realism is a corruption of reality. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Reality category:

Reality is not what it is. It consists of the many realities which it can be made into. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Reality category:

-The Necessary Angel: Essays on Reality and the Imagination...
Reality is a cliche from which we escape by metaphor. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Religion category:

- The Palm at the End of the Mind: Selected Poems and a Play...
We say God and the imagination are one... How high that highest candle lights the dark. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Repetition category:

We are not alone, and everything needs expounding all the time because, as people live and die, each one perceiving life and death for himself, and mostly by and in himself, there develops a curiosity about the perceptions of others. This is what makes it possible to go on saying new things about old things. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Rules category:

Let be be finale of seem, / the only emperor is the emperor of ice cream. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Satisfaction category:

It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Seeing category:

A poet looks at the world the way a man looks at a woman. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Seeing category:

Throw away the light, the definitions, and say what you see in the dark. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Style category:

Style is not something applied. It is something that permeates. It is of the nature of that in which it is found, whether the poem, the manner of a god, the bearing of a man. It is not a dress. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Subject category:

The subject matter... is not that collection of solid, static objects extended in space but the life that is lived in the scene that it composes... (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Surrealism category:

The essential fault of surrealism is that it invents without discovering. To make a clam play an accordion is to invent not to discover. The observation of the unconscious, so far as it can be observed, should reveal things of which we have previously been unconscious, not the familiar things of which we have been conscious plus imagination. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Thought category:

Thought is an infection. In the case of certain thoughts, it becomes an epidemic. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Thought category:

How full of trifles everything is! It is only one's thoughts that fill a room with something more than furniture. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Thought category:

Thought tends to collect in pools. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Truth category:

Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Truth category:

-The Necessary Angel: Essays on Reality and the Imagination...
I am the truth, since I am part of what is real, but neither more nor less than those around me. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Understanding category:

We must endure our thoughts all night, until the bright obvious stands motionless in cold. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Unknowns category:

One's ignorance is one's chief asset. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Unknowns category:

It is the unknown that excites the ardor of scholars, who, in the known alone, would shrivel up with boredom. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Vision category:

The point of vision and desire are the same. (Wallace Stevens)

Wallace Stevens - From the Words category:

In the world of words the imagination is one of the forces of nature. (Wallace Stevens)