Isaac Bashevis Singer quotes
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Isaac Bashevis Singer Quotes

Quotes by Isaac Bashevis Singer - (10 quotes)

Isaac Bashevis Singer - From the Character category:

It seems that the analysis of character is the highest human entertainment. And literature does it, unlike gossip, without mentioning real names. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

Isaac Bashevis Singer - From the Choices category:

We have to believe in free will. We've got no choice. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

Isaac Bashevis Singer - From the Desire category:

I get up every morning with a desire to do some creative work. This desire is made of the same stuff as the sexual desire, the desire to make money, or any other desire. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

Isaac Bashevis Singer - From the Editing category:

The wastebasket is the writer's best friend. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

Isaac Bashevis Singer - From the Originality category:

Originality is not seen in single words or even sentences. Originality is the sum total of a man's thinking or his writing. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

Isaac Bashevis Singer - From the Patience category:

Sometimes you have the feeling that some little imp is standing behind you and dictating to you, but he gives it to you slowly, drop by drop. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

Isaac Bashevis Singer - From the Truth category:

When I was a little boy, they called me a liar, but now that I am grown up, they call me a writer. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

Isaac Bashevis Singer - From the Truth category:

No doubt the world is entirely an imaginary world, but it is only once removed from the true world. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

Isaac Bashevis Singer - From the Vision category:

Every creator painfully experiences the chasm between his inner vision and its ultimate expression. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)

Isaac Bashevis Singer - From the Writing category:

The very essence of literature is the war between emotion and intellect, between life and death. When literature becomes too intellectual – when it begins to ignore the passions, the emotions – it becomes sterile, silly, and actually without substance. (Isaac Bashevis Singer)