Shel Silverstein quotes
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Shel Silverstein Quotes

Quotes by Shel Silverstein - (20 quotes)

Shel Silverstein - From the Books category:

If there is a book you want to read but isn't written yet, write it. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Change category:

Corners wear off, said the big O, and shapes change. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Children category:

- Falling Up...
'Why can't you see I'm a kid', said the kid. / 'Why try to make me like you? / Why are you hurt when I don't cuddle? / Why do you sigh when I splash through a puddle? / Why do you scream when I do what I did? / I'm a kid.' (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Colour category:

And all the colors I am inside have not been invented yet. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Creativity category:

Draw a crazy picture, / Write a nutty poem, / Sing a mumble-gumble song, / Whistle through your comb. / Do a loony-goony dance / 'Cross the kitchen floor, / Put something silly in the world, / That ain't been there before. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Desire category:

He wasted his wishes on wishing. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Dreams category:

If you are a dreamer come in... (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Exhaustion category:

Talked my head off / Worked my tail off / Cried my eyes out / Walked my feet off / Sang my heart out / So you see, / There's really not much left of me. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Fashion category:

If you're behind the times, they won't notice you. If you're right in tune with them, you're no better than they are, so they won't care much for you. Be just a little ahead of them. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Friendship category:

I know a way to stay friends forever, / There's really nothing to it, / I tell you what to do, / And you do it. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Happiness category:

-Every Thing on It...
There are no happy endings. / Endings are the saddest part, / So just give me a happy middle / And a very happy start. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Impossibilities category:

Just 'cause somethin' ain't been done / Don't mean it can't be did... (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Listening category:

Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Magic category:

But all the magic I have known / I've had to make myself. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Poetry category:

I am writing these poems from inside a lion... (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Possibilities category:

Anything is possible. Anything can be. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Silence category:

Never explain what you do. It speaks for itself. You only muddle it by talking about it. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Space category:

-Where the Sidewalk Ends...
It's amazing the difference / A bit of sky can make. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Truth category:

-Falling Up...
Tell me I'm clever, / Tell me I'm kind, / Tell me I'm talented, / Tell me I'm cute, / Tell me I'm sensitive, / Graceful and Wise / Tell me I'm perfect - / But tell me the TRUTH. (Shel Silverstein)

Shel Silverstein - From the Understanding category:

-Every Thing on It...
Underneath my outside face / There's a face that none can see. / A little less smiley, / A little less sure, / But a whole lot more like me. (Shel Silverstein)