Anthony Burgess quotes
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Anthony Burgess Quotes

Quotes by Anthony Burgess - (41 quotes)

Anthony Burgess - From the Activity category:

But what I do I do because I like to do. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Awareness category:

The unconscious mind has a habit of asserting itself in the afternoon. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Belief category:

Every dogma has its day. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Books category:

The possession of a book becomes a substitute for reading it. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Books category:

The adult relation to books is one of absorbing rather than being absorbed. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Choices category:

What's it going to be then, eh? (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Colour category:

It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you watch them on a screen. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Critics category:

Writers are rarely their own best critics, nor are critics. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Danger category:

Art is dangerous. It is one of the attractions that when it ceases to be dangerous you don't want it. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Education category:

The purpose of education is to fit us for life in a civilised community, and it seems to follow from the subjects we study that the two most important things in civilised life are Art and Science. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Energy category:

Violence among young people is an aspect of their desire to create. They don't know how to use their energy creatively so they do the opposite and destroy. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Expectation category:

If you expect the worst from a person you can never be disappointed. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Experiments category:

It is common sense to take a method and try it; if it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Fantasy category:

- A Clockwork Orange...
It was like a bird of rarest-spun heaven metal or like silvery wine flowing in a spaceship, gravity all nonsense now. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Future category:

You have no idea how pleasant it is not to have any future. It's like having a totally efficient contraceptive. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Goodness category:

I see what is right and approve, but I do what is wrong. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Growth category:

Every grain of experience is food for the greedy growing soul of the artist. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Immortality category:

In two thousand years all our generals and politicians may be forgotten, but Einstein and Madame Curie and Bernard Shaw and Stravinsky will keep the memory of our age alive. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Knowledge category:

Readers are plentiful: thinkers are rare. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Language category:

Language exists less to record the actual than to liberate the imagination. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Life category:

Life is a wretched gray Saturday, but it has to be lived through. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Life category:

I mean, there's little enough in this life, really, and you only find it worth living for the odd moments, and if you think you're going to have those odd moments again, then it makes life wonderful and have a meaning. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Memory category:

To remember where you come from is part of where you're going. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Modernism category:

This is great art, we've been told this by the great pundits of our age. And in consequence why should we bother to learn? There's nothing more delightful than to be told, 'You don't have to learn, my boy. There's nothing in it. Modern art? There's nothing in it.' (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Money category:

We all need money, but there are degrees of desperation. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Morality category:

The important thing is moral choice. Evil has to exist along with good, in order that moral choice may operate. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Opposites category:

Life is sustained by the grinding opposition of moral entities. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Pleasure category:

One of the delights known to age, and beyond the grasp of youth, is that of Not Going. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Politics category:

I must say that acting was good training for the political life that lay ahead of us. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Production category:

The trouble began with Forster. After him it was considered ungentlemanly to write more than five or six novels. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Questions category:

-A Clockwork Orange...
Does God want goodness or the choice of goodness? Is a man who chooses to be bad perhaps in some way better than a man who has the good imposed upon him? (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Religion category:

If you believe in an unseen Christ, you will believe in the unseen Christlike potential of others. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Religion category:

All human life is here, but the Holy Ghost seems to be somewhere else. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Sleep category:

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Solitude category:

To be left alone is the most precious thing one can ask of the modern world. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Thinking category:

I didn't think; I experimented. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Words category:

The downtrodden are the great creators of slang. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Words category:

If Shakespeare required a word and had not met it in civilised discourse, he unhesitatingly made it up. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Writing category:

The nature of a novel is that it has no opinions, only the dialectic of contrary views, some of which, all of which, may be untenable and even silly. A novelist should not be too intelligent either, although... he may be permitted to be an intellectual. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Writing category:

To write is to become disinterested. There is a certain renunciation in art. (Anthony Burgess)

Anthony Burgess - From the Writing category:

-A Clockwork Orange...
We can destroy what we have written, but we cannot unwrite it. (Anthony Burgess)